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Slag for Champions (200+150)

"I have no need for friends, even less for enemies." - Slag

Real name: Slag
Other known aliases: None
Occupation: Flamethrower
Current group affiliation: Autobots/Dinobots
Rank: 4
Past group affiliations: Lightning Strike Coalition, Dynobots, The Primitives, former ally of the Decepticons.
Major enemies: Decepticons, particularly the Constructicons, Predacons and Shockwave.
First appearance: Transformers: Generation One Volume II #2 (Dreamwave comics), Transformers #4 (Marvel comics), S.O.S. Dinobots (television series).
Origin: Transformers #4 (Marvel comics), S.O.S. Dinobots (television series).
Description: Slag is a 32 foot tall silver, black, red and gold robot who turns into a mechanical dinosaur. Before being reformatted by the Ark Slag turned into a heavy Cybertonian tank.


63	STR	18
14	DEX	12
24	CON	28
17	BODY	 0
 8	INT	-2
14	EGO	 8
15	PRE	 5
 8	COM	-1
15	PD	 9
14	ED	 9
 4	SPD	16
12	REC	 2
48	END	 0
42	STUN	-1
Characteristics Cost: 103

Powers and Skills

10	EC (10),"Transformer powers"	
17a)	9/9 Armor	
40b)	7 LVLS Growth (stats already included),Always On(-1/2),0 END	
	 Persistent(+1)                                               0
 7c)	Shape Shift,"Dinosaur",Concentrate(-1/4),Cannot change form	
	 if he takes over half BODY.(-1/4),0 END Persistent(+1)       0
19	Life Support,doesn't breathe,safe in vacuum/pressure,safe in	
	 heat/cold,immune to aging	
28	MP (28),"Movement"	
 1u	5" Flight,"Jet Pack",x4 Non-Combat,OIF(-1/2)                  1
 3u	16" Running,1/2 END(+1/4)                                     2
51	MP (90),"Weapons",Only works in appropriate form.(-1/4),OIF	
 5u	3D6 HKA,"Horns",vs physical defense,0 END(+1/2),x1 Armor	
	 Piercing(+1/2)                                               0
 4u	3D6 HKA,"Sword",vs physical defense,OAF(-1/2),0 END(+1/2),x1	
	 Armor Piercing(+1/2)                                         0
 4u	3D6 RKA (Light),"High Energy Laser Rifle",No Knockback	
	 (-1/4),OAF(-1/2),33-64 Charges(+1/2),x1 Armor Piercing(+1/2) 0
 3u	3D6 RKA,"Rocket Pod",vs physical defense,13-16 Charges(0),	
	 OAF(-1/2),Explosion(+1/2)                                    0
 3u	3D6 RKA (Light),"Horn Lasers",No Knockback(-1/4),1/2 END	
	 (+1/4),x5 Increased Max Range(+1/4)                          3
 4u	3D6 RKA (Fire),"Flame Breath",No Range(-1/2),Incantation	
	 (-1/4),Area Effect(+1),line                                  9
 3	Radio XMIT/REC,OIF(-1/2)	
 3	+0" Running,x4 Non-Combat,Linked(-1/2),"to Shape Shift"       0
16	63 STR,1/2 END(+1/4)                                          1
18	6 Levels: with Weapons Multipower.,tight group	
 3	Navigation 11-	
 3	Survival 11-	
 2	WF,Swords,Rifles	
Powers Cost: 247


Base Points: 200
15	Accidental Chg,"to robot form when stunned.",common,occur
20	DNPC,"Humans in need of saving.",incompetent,appear 11-
20	Distinctive,"Giant Robot",not concealable,major
15	Hunted,"By anti-Autobot forces.",as powerful,harsh,appear
10	Physical Lim,"No hands in animal form.",infrequently,greatly
15	Psych Lim,"Unfriendly.",very common,moderate
15	Psych Lim,"Rash",common,strong
15	Psych Lim,"Code vs. killing humans.",uncommon,total
 5	Rep,"Heroic alien robot.",occur 8-
10	Rivalry,"with other tough Autobots.",professional,PC rival
10	Watched,"By Autobot leaders.",more powerful,non-combat
	 influence,mild,appear 11-
Disadvantages Total: 150

Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 350

Explanation of the conversion: Slag can only use his horns and flame breath in dinosaur form, whereas he can only use his sword, rifle and rocket pod in robot mode.

History (Dreamwave): When cival war broke out on the planet Cybertron 8.7 million years ago between the Autobots and Deceptions, Slag joined the Autobot cause.

Slag When Autobot leader Optimus Prime and Decepticon leader Megatron disappeared in an accident with the space bridge 7.4 million years ago, the Autobot and Decepticon forces broke up into factions. Slag joined up with the Lightning Strike Coalition under the command of Grimlock.

Ultra Magnus reunited the Autobot factions, with Grimlock working as one of his advisors. Slag became a member of the Dynobots, a special Autobot unit directly under Grimlock's command.

The Dynobots were assigned to security at the peace talks between the Autobots, Decepticons and Ultracons 6 million years ago. It was their actions which saved the participants from being blown up in a sneak attack by Starscream and his Predacons (Transformers: Age of Wrath #1).

Slag After Optimus Prime and the crew of the Autobot ship the Ark were lost in space 4 million years ago, the Dynobots formed a search party to recover them. They tracked the Autobot ship to the planet Earth, where the Dynobots were reformatted into mechanical dinosaurs, and Slag gained his current form. The Dynobots were ambushed by Decepticons Kickback, Shrapnel and Bombshell, and left in stasis lock until they were discovered by Prime and his crew in the 1980's. Because of their new alternate form they were renamed the Dinobots.

''Dinobots no fool around!'' - Slag

Maybe Slag enjoys his job too much - after all, a more sensitive Autobot might regret the waste involved in reducing an enemy to a smoldering pool of liquid metal, but not Slag. If his metal hide could take the heat, Slag would swim in the puddle to celebrate. Perhaps even more than his Dinobot brethren, Slag resents the authority of Optimus Prime, and he's not too keen on the other Autobots either. He's generally considered a disruptive force and has been known to get into brawls and turn his fiery breath against his comrades. Nasty and mean-spirited are perhaps the nicest things one can say about him.

Starscream attacks the Dinobots in Transformers #50

Trivia: Slag was reissued as a Generation 2 Transformer, but they changed him to being green in color.

Slag Powers: Slag is very tough, strong and possesses impressive firepower. In dinosaur mode, Slag can spew from his mouth a bolt of 3,000 degrees Centigrade flame up to 80 feet. He possesses enormous strength and can shatter a brick building with a single blow from his armored head. His horns can also shoot high powered lasers. In Autobot mode he carries a high-energy laser rifle, a sword and a rocket pod. Slag sometimes utilizes a standard Autobot jet pack.

Weaknesses: Slag is his own worst enemy. His misanthropic personality often persuades some of the other Autobots not to help him when he's in trouble. He's rash and not too bright, qualities which often put him in dangerous predicaments. He is seriously lacking in speed.

Links to other Slag pages:

  • Character created by Hasbro.
    Champions rules conversion by Mathew R. Ignash -
    Last Updated - November, 2004

    - Back to Matt's Champions Page.-

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