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Sentinel Mark IV for Champions

Real name: Mark IV Sentinel
Other known aliases: None
Occupation: Professional mutant hunter.
Current group affiliation: Project Wideawake.
Past group affiliations: None
Major enemies: Mutants, X-Men, Avengers, super-powered humans in general.
First appearance:
Description: Mark IV Sentinels are 20 foot tall purple robots with cold expressionless faces and in built weapons systems.

50     STR     10
20     DEX     30
39     CON     58
17     BODY     4
10     INT      0
28     PRE     18
 6     COM     -2
16     PD      11
23     ED      14
 4     SPD     10
12     REC      0
78     END      0
47     STUN     0
Characteristics Cost: 153

Powers and Skills

18     6/6 Armor     
 7     1" Change Environment,Desc: Searchlights,0 END(+1/2)         0
 7     1 LVLS Density Increase (stats already included),Always On     
        (-1/2),0 END Persistent(+1)                                 0
 9     +2 Detect,"Mutant",make into sense     
33     5 LVLS Growth (stats already included),Always On(-1/2),0 END     
        Persistent(+1)                                              0
30     Life Support,doesn't breathe,doesn't eat/sleep/excrete,safe     
        in vacuum/pressure,safe in radiation,safe in heat/cold,     
        immune to disease,immune to aging     
90     MP (90),"Onboard weapons systems."     
 7u    9D6 EB,0 END(+1/2)                                           0
 7u    6D6 EB,"Gas Jets",Area Effect(+1/2),13-16 Charges(0),NND     
        (+1),Defense: LS - Breathing.                               0
 9u    6D6 Entangle,"Catch webs.",0 END(+1/2)                       0
 7     1 BODY Regen,Does not work if under 4 BOD is left.(-1/2)     
78     21" Flight,x8 Non-Combat,0 END(+1/2)                         0
10     Tracking Scent,"For detect mutant."     
 4     Crush     
 5     Deduction 12-     
 5     1 Levels,all combat,Only after analyzing target for 3     
 3     Navigation 11-     
 5     Off Strike     
 3     Oratory 15-     
 4     Shove     
 3     Tactics 11-     
 3     Tracking 11-     
Powers Cost: 347


Base Points: 100
15     Berserk,"If taken to one quarter BOD.",uncommon,occur 14-,
        recover 14-
25     Distinctive,"Giant purple robot.",not concealable,extreme
15     Hunted,"By mutants.",as powerful,non-combat influence,harsh,
        appear 8-
15     Physical Lim,"Giant robot.",frequently,greatly
 5     Physical Lim,"No sense of taste, smell or touch.",
10     Psych Lim,"Announces his actions.",common,moderate
20     Psych Lim,"Obeys orders.",common,total
20     Psych Lim,"Should not endanger normal humans.",very common,
25     Psych Lim,"Must hunt mutants.",very common,total
10     Public ID,"Mark VI Sentinel!"
20     Rep,"Evil giant robot who hunts mutants.",occur 14-,extreme
13     Watched,"By creators.",more powerful,non-combat influence,
        mild,appear 14-
Disadvantages Total: 193

Experience Spent: 207
Total Points: 500

Explanation of the conversion:


Powers: Mark IV Sentinels are the least advanced of the models currently in use and represent the bulk of the Sentinel forces. They are 20 foot tall metal monsters with a number of in built weapon systems, including eye beams, catch-webs and gas-jets. They can emit search lights from their eyes, have built in radio transmitters and can track mutant energy signatures. They have a combat computer that allows them to analyze an opponent's fighting style and adapt to it after a short time in conflict with them.

Links to other Sentinels pages:

  • Character created by Marvel Comics.
    Champions rules conversion by Mathew R. Ignash -
    Last Updated - September, 2001

    - Back to Matt's Champions Page.-

    Made on Amiga