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J'onn J'onzz

J'onn J'onzz for Champions

Real name: J'onn J'onzz
Other known aliases:
Current group affiliation: Justice League.
Past group affiliations:
Major enemies:
First appearance: Secret Origins Part 1


35     STR     25
18     DEX     24
18     CON     16
12     BODY     4
18     INT      8
18     EGO     16
20     PRE     10
 8     COM     -1
10     PD       3
 6     ED       2
 4     SPD     12
11     REC      0
36     END      0
39     STUN     0
Characteristics Cost: 119

Powers, Skills and Equipment

12     4/4 Armor     
 4     1 LVLS Density Increase(200kg,+5 STR,-1KB,+1 PD/ED),"Stone     
        form."(200kg,+5 STR,-1KB,+1 PD/ED),Concentrate(-1/4)      0
 8     5" Flight,Concentrate(-1/4)                                1
16     EC (20),"Martian powers.",Concentrate(-1/4)     
16a)   Desolid,Vulnerability: Fire                                4
16b)   6D6 Mind Scan,+5 Plus To Roll                              4
20c)   Shape Shift,any shape,0 END(+1/2)                          0
13d)   8" Stretching,No non-combat stretching bonus.(-1/4)        4
16e)   8D6 Telepathy                                              4
 3     Acting 13-     
 3     Tracking 13-     
 2     TF,Other Air Vehicles,Small Spaceships     
 2     Radio XMIT/REC,"Justice League communicator.",OAF(-1)     
Powers Cost: 131


Base Points: 100
10     Distinctive,"Green alien.",easily concealable,major
20     Hunted,"by enemies of the Justice League.",as powerful,
        non-combat influence,harsh,appear 11-
15     Psych Lim,"Code vs. killing.",common,strong
20     Psych Lim,"Distances himself emotionally from others. ",very
10     Rep,"Martian member of the Justice League.",occur 11-
10     Unluck,2D6
20     Vuln,"Fire",common,x2 stun
 5     Watched,"by the U.S. government.",as powerful,non-combat
        influence,mild,appear 8-
Disadvantages Total: 110

Experience Spent: 40
Total Points: 250

Explanation of the conversion: This write up is based on J'onn as he appears in the Justice League animated series.


Powers: J'onn J'onzz has mind superhuman strength and agility as well as functioning feathered wings which allow her to fly. She can telepathically communicate with birds.

Links to other J'onn J'onzz pages:

  • Character created by DC Comics.
    Champions rules conversion by Mathew R. Ignash -
    Last Updated - May, 2003

    - Back to Matt's Champions Page.-

    Authored on Amiga.