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ElectraWoman for Champions

''Well if it's a trap, we'll just see who gets caught in it...'' - ElectraWoman

Real name: Lori
Other known aliases:
Occupation: Hero and reporter.
Current group affiliation: Partner to DynaGirl.
Past group affiliations: None
Major enemies: The Sorcerer, Glitter Rock
First appearance:
Description: Lori a tall attractive blonde woman standing 5'7'' tall.


 8     STR     -2
14     DEX     12
13     CON      6
10     BODY     0
 9     INT     -1
10     EGO      0
18     PRE      8
20     COM      5
 8     PD       6
 8     ED       5
 4     SPD     16
 8     REC      6
26     END      0
23     STUN     2
Characteristics Cost: 63

Powers, Skills, Followers and Vehicles

25     5D6 Luck     
 3     Combat Driving 12-     
 6     15- Contact: Frank Heflin     
21     14- Danger Sense,any attack,immediate vicinity,OIF(-1/2)     
 3     High Society 13-     
 3     Oratory 13-     
 2     PS: Reporter 11-     
 3     Instant Change,OIF(-1/2),Gestures(-1/4)     
21     MP (37),OIF(-1/2),Gestures(-1/4)     
 2u    5D6 EB,"Electrovibe",vs physical defense,0 END(+1/2)     0
 2u    2D6 Entangle,0 END(+1/2)                                 0
 1u    5" Gliding,"Electrodegravitate"     
 1u    13 STR TK,"Electrobeam",affects all parts,0 END(+1/2)    0
 3     Radio XMIT/REC,OIF(-1/2)     
 6     Tracking Scent,"Sensorscan",OIF(-1/2),Gestures(-1/4)     
15     Followers: Dynagirl (75pt)     
20     Vehicle: Electracar (100pt)     
Powers Cost: 137


Base Points: 100
 5     DNPC,"Various friends.",normal,useful skills,appear 8-
15     Hunted,"by various badly dressed enemies.",as powerful,
        non-combat influence,harsh,appear 8-
20     Normal Stats
10     Psych Lim,"Poses and gives speeches a lot!",common,moderate
20     Psych Lim,"Fights all evil deeds.",very common,strong
15     Rep,"Super heroine",occur 14-
15     Secret ID,"Lori"
Disadvantages Total: 100

Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 200

Explanation of the conversion: The Danger Sense in a Focus represent how Frank always seems to be able to call her on the ElectraCom in the nick of time to warn her of danger he detected.


Powers: Although Lori has no superhuman powers, she wears an ElectraCom on her wrist which can move or blast objects, lower gravity on her when she falls, and change her into and out of her heroic costume.

Note: The part of ElectraWoman is played by actress Deidre Hall.

Links to other ElectraWoman pages:

  • Character created by Sid & Marty Kroft.
    Champions rules conversion by Mathew R. Ignash -
    Last Updated - June, 2003

    - Back to Matt's Champions Page.-

    Made on Amiga