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Title: Odd Ood
Author: kbk
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Notes: No spoilers, but it won't make sense unless you've seen The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit (midway in Ten's first series).
Summary: um. well.

Ood 3-gamma-3 had been a little strange ever since the day Ood 1-alpha-8 walked in on OfficerScott and OfficerManista in the showers.

"They call them breasts," commented Ood 1-alpha-4, which served up proteins for the officers and prided itself on the knowledge it gained from overheard conversations. "They use them to sleep on."

Ood 1-alpha-5 didn't think that was right, but then Ood 1-gamma-1 through 1-gamma-9 wanted to know what sleep was, and the subject of breasts was put to one side.

Later, though. "They look so soft," Ood 3-gamma-3 hummed through the back of their mind. "OfficerScott would put her face between OfficerManista's breasts just to feel how soft..."

The telepathic field skipped up to Basic Nine for a few moments, as the Ood appreciated the picture. But none of the humans noticed.

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