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Title: Femininity
Author: kbk
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not mine, no money.
Notes: A late birthday present for nostalgia.
Summary: Crossover snippet femslashing communications officers.

She wears a miniskirt to your sensible jumpsuit, and for a moment you're envious, because at least that means the men acknowledge her as female. Sometimes you feel like one of the lads, the rest of the time like less than that. An appendage to the computer, perhaps, somebody to operate the comms. But then you realise that she's more vulnerable to that than you are, because her UT works perfectly ninety-eight times out of a hundred, and so she doesn't know whether the liquid sounds pouring off your tongue and onto her skin are curses or endearments. You doubt she cares.

She swears fluently and idiomatically in Swahili as she comes, and you idly wonder if her people used to practice female circumcision. Not that ethnicity matters these days, of course, when it's humans against the rest of the universe, but it's yet another thing that separates the two of you from the white male middle-aged powermongers.

You like the way her skin contrasts with the sensible white cotton of your sheets in a way that your own sallow tone doesn't.

She's gorgeous, and her name is freedom.

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