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Title: Bed
Author: kbk
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not mine, I make no money from this.
Notes: I was thinking how lucky Elizabeth was to sleep between two such pretty men, and then I thought, "hang on a second..."

The bunks on this ship, decides Elizabeth, are entirely too small. It's hard enough fitting two people into one of them, but three is practically impossible - at least one of them falls out every night, seems like. Will sometimes tries to be noble and take the floor, but more often than not she ends up sprawled across the two men - and while hard muscle may be a wonderful thing most of the time, it's hardly the most comfortable surface to sleep on.

They really ought to get a proper bed, she thinks, a big one. With a proper mattress, and goose-down pillows. After all, the crew already know the three of them are... well, together, as it were. They've shared the captain's cabin since they set sail, and nobody who knows Jack Sparrow would think him capable of chastely sharing a bed, especially with such a pretty young couple. But then, an actual bed might suggest that this was something permanent, something serious, rather than the "bit o' fun" it is. And that would cause trouble, and this is closer than she ever thought she'd get to paradise.

So maybe the bed isn't necessary.

Her boys are all she needs.

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