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The good


Age: 20

Legal Occupation: Student

Specialty: Spy

Character Bio: Cocky spy. His confidence caught him a boot to the skull. Is he dead, OH YES!

Eric Qualin

Age: 19

Legal Occupation: Game Designer

Specialty: Spy and Theif

Character Bio: The wise talking, hoverboard riding, uberhacker. This particular character is immature to the extreme. He enjoys nothing more than being spiteful, showing off, and spending time with his newfound girlfriend, Deborah. Eric's immaturity makes him still extremely girl shy. His over confidence can often get him into trouble, but he has the best backup to save his skin. His troubled childhood makes him fit the punk category to a tee. His thieving skills makes him an awesome spy. Wonder why Tobais wants him to head up his intelligence division? If you can get him to go near a horse, kudos to you. What the heck is up with his pockets?


Age: 3

Legal Occupation: Secretary, maid, mother

Speciality: Data entry/Retrieval

Character Bio: Funny and intelligent. Great secretary and can tell the weather like no other. She would be a great date, if your into disembodied voices. Eric programmed her to manage his webpage. Be specific with her or else she will do her best to screw you over.

Tobais Tao-Chi

Age: 22

Legal Occupation: None

Specialty: Security

Character Bio: The leader of an elite group of hackers. Tobais and Eric have hung out since they ran into each other inside their high school's mainframe, No comment as to what either of them were doing there. His maturity makes him an awesome leader. He prefers to play a background man; something about he has a deathly fear of dying. His encyclopedic knowledge of the net makes him a great resource for help. In his spare time he enjoys rebuilding his homepage, competing with Eric, and figuring out ways to fight sleep. Run into some puzzle or hard situation? Turn to Tobais for advice. His cunning makes him a formidable foe for anyone who wishes to foil his plans. If you catch him alone he will probably be relaxing to some music.

Deborah Lynn

Age: 19

Legal Occupation: Medical Student (intern at a hospital)

Specialty: Medicine

Character Bio: The sweet, sexy, and smart doctor. She met Eric in a math class, when he was a new transfer to the school she was attending. She is Eric's first girlfriend. When she was younger she aspired to be a veterinarian but the new age's lack of real pet's caused her to turn to human medicine. She enjoys gardening and spending time with her animals; some of the few live animals in this world. Eric thinks her newly discovered powers will be of use in their quest to bring down Gearworks.