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The bad

Mr. Osmound

Age: 63

Legal Occupation: Owner of Gearwork Inc.

Specialty: Big Corporate Takeovers

Character Bio: This powermad robber baron of the net world is acustomed to dirty and underhanded methods of pratice. He secretly aspires to run the government, but who doesn't? Well maybe it is just him. He is the master of the hostile takeover and does not take kindly to those beneath him, even the people who protect his hide. If he would put less money into bribes, assasinations, and his own personal pampering, he might be able to afford a better hair piece.

Garret Donaldson

Age: 34

Legal Occupation: Captain of The Elite Guard (Gearworks Security)

Speciality: Protection

Character Bio: This man is a cold-blooded killer, in fact that's his favorite thing to do. He is an ex-black op, ex-marine, and a full-time hard case. His training makes him an unstoppable killing machine. He is resourceful, not to mention resentful, and has no respect for cyberpunks. He is a licensed pilot, has mastered almost every form of weaponry, and has a black belt in martial arts. His weapon of choice is either his feet or his collapsible bow staff. His job as Captain of The Elite Guard gives him the opportunity to exercise all his ability protecting Gearworks most top-secret projects. The hacker world believe he took the job because of some personal vendetta.