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Gateslacker's Home

Hello, all!!

As you can see by the pic, this is a Stargate related site. Don't know what a Stargate is, well it is time you find out! Get thee to the sci fi channel immediately and get caught up on what is, in my humble opinion, THE best sci fi show ever!! Otherwise, the vids on this site will make no sense to you.

Now, for the necessary disclaimer! I didn't make any money in the making of said vids. Actually, I probably spent some money. Nothing in the videos actually belongs to me, although, I certainly wouldn't mind having Daniel for a while!!! But, I digress. I just borrowed the clips and the music to feed my stargate addiction. I hope you enjoy. If you do, drop me a line or two. If you don't, I am sure I will be crushed but drop me a line telling me that I shouldn't ever give up my day job ;-)

11/09/2006 I want to thank those who have nominated me for the Stargate Fan Awards and the Stargate Music Video Awards!! Whoever you are, e-mail me so I can thank you personally. I haven't made any new vids in awhile but I haven't given it up. Work, grad school, and the youngun's social life take up most of my spare time lately.

11/08/2005 I have removed several of my older vids to be revamped, retooled, rewhatever. If anyone would like a copy of anything offline, please e-mail me and I can send you a copy.

FYI. Cool Kawoosh Award banners made by SNY

The success or failure of your deeds does not add up to the sum of your life.

My Vids!

Fields of Innocence This song screamed Daniel to me. I get that alot. This one, though, features both Daniels, movie and series. Evanescence song. This vid won an award!

From East to West Well, this vid started out as a team/action vid. I am beginning to think, however, that The Stargate is the star of this vid!! I used some new tech to make this and I have to give a special thanks to Brihana25 of The Alpha Site who helped me greatly. I also want to thank my dear friend ScaryM who was such a terrific vid "beta"!!!

Revised This is your Life Well, I have been neglecting dearest Daniel of late and I decided that that simply would never do. Music by Switchfoot.

Die Another Day Music by Madonna. Yes, another Daniel vid, folks, but this one was all my friend Karen's idea. She went to Vulcon where she got to see MS (Lucky gal!) and he asked if "anyone had kept track of how many times Daniel has died; that it must be some kind of record". So, here it vid format...for the record. ;-) This vid won awards!

Ice This vid started out as a good excuse to drool over Daniel clips from Chimera but it ended up covering the the Daniel/Sarah/Osiris arc a bit. Sarah McLachlan song.

Let's Get it Started This vid came about from a comment on the Kawoosh forum that hip hop does not a Stargate vid make. Of course, that made me really want to make one and this is the result. Team vid to Blackeyed Peas.This vid won an award!

Modern Crusaders I have been wanting to do a vid to this song for a loooooong time but season nine finally gave me the impetus to do so. Action/team vid to Enigma.

Behind Blue Eyes This is an Absolute Power episodic vid (episodic vids are hard..LOL!) and my first vid made completely with Pinnacle. For crying out loud, why can't they just combine Movie Maker and Pinnacle? I want it all!!!! In any case, some nice evil!Daniel goodness for those of you who like that sort of thing ;-) Song is the Limp Bizkit version.

Offline Vids

Now We Are Free I couldn't leave Teal'c out now could I? Song is from the Gladiator soundtrack. Fitting, I thought. Oh yeah, this vid won an award.>OFFLINE

100 Years Jack and mini Jack. What more do you need?!? Song from Five for Fighting.OFFLINE

Only Time This is a Daniel vid that I made as a birthday present to a friend. Always a good reason to make a Daniel vid!OFFLINE

Love Song Here is a new ship vid from me....can you believe it!! Song is from The Cure/311.OFFLINE

Dissolved Girl This is my attempt to explain what is going on in Sam's head. It could be seen as a sequel to my Grace vid.(I am making pretentious!) I feel I should warn you that it is a long vid and Pete *cough* makes an appearance. Song is by Massive Attack and methinks I just might be massively attacked after some watch this ;-)OFFLINE

Hello This is my Sam contribution and it centers around the episode Grace. Evanescence, once again, provided me with the inspiration. I love those guys!OFFLINE

Kind and Generous This is my Janet tribute vid. SOB!!! Natalie Merchant tune.OFFLINE

Possession This is my ultimate ship vid that I made a while ago back in the olden days. I would update it to reflect *ahem* current season 7/8 developments but I fear my shipper friends would have me killed! Sarah Maclachlan song. OFFLINE

So Far Away This is my rather optimistic view of Daniel at the beginning of season seven. Song by Stained.OFFLINE

Fire in the Dark This is my ship vid that was made for Ruralstar. She, among others, helps me spot the ship. Song by Billy DeanOFFLINE

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