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Not quite such a long time ago,
in a galaxy just as far, far, away...

Over two centuries have passed since the end of the Galactic Civil War. The New Republic, rapidly approaching its golden age, has brought freedom and justice to the galaxy. While still not the size of the Old Republic, it nevertheless remains the crowning glory of the galaxy, commanding respect from all.

The New Order of Jedi Knights has grown to surpass even the numbers of the Old Jedi, gracing the stars with its great wisdom, unity, and its vast knowldge of the Force. Every year, dozens of new Force-sensitive candidates are inducted into the Order... and dozens more rise through their training and are taken as apprentices to become protectors of the galaxy...

Welcome to the Flashpoint Station, home of the awesome Star Wars Fan Fiction Comic, Star Wars Legacy!

In addition to our comic, you can become a member by becoming a Padawan of Jedi Link and you can enter our Jedi Only section! In order to enter the Jedi section, you must emerge into a full Jedi Knight by completing Jedi Link's two tasks! Its fun and free! Check it out here!

Our Jedi Only portion of the site will include information on all six movies, the games and the Expanded Universe! It will also include even more Downloads than the regular site! Become a Jedi now!

And second to last, but definately not least, the Comics!!!!! We currently have only one comic, the Star Wars Legacy Comics, the best fan-fic comics of Star Wars on the web!! Please do not download or print these comics, we want to be legal (:-p). Also, we have the Concept Art, Background Info and the FAQ for Star Wars Legacy. Check it out right here!

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