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Sailor Venus

  1. Name:Mina
  2. Japanese Name: Aino Minako
  3. Birthday:October 22
  4. Age:14-16
  5. Favorite Colors:Red and Yellow
  6. Hobbies:Chasing after models, idols and such, y'know famous type people
  7. Favorite Food:Curry rice
  8. Favorite Gemstone:Topaz
  9. Favorite subject:gym class
  10. Height:5'0"

Sailor Venus, before joining the Senshi team was originally Sailor V. She lived in England for a few years where she helped the police catch culprits. Sailor V is a very popular Senshi. Dolls and video games were made after her. Mina is very much like Serena, getting low scores on papers and they look alike. Mina is friendly with everyone and cares about her fellow senshi.