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Sailor Pluto

  1. Name:Trista
  2. Japanese name:Meiou Setsuna
  3. Birthday:October 29
  4. Age:17-18
  5. Favorite color:dark red
  6. Hobbies:shopping
  7. Favorite foods:Green Tea
  8. Favorite Gemstone:Garnet
  9. Favorite subject:Physics
  10. Height:5'6"

Sailor Pluto makes her debut in the end of Sailor Moon R. She helped the scouts travel through the gate to get to the black moon. Sailor Pluto also sent Rini back in time to get help. Rini is probably the closest person to her and she enjoys Rini's company, as she is usually alone. She is the guardian of the gate of time. Sailor Pluto appears young looking, but since she is guardian of time she is much older than she looks. Sailor Pluto possesses the Time staff and also possesses the Garnet Orb. She is very mysterious and hardly ever shows up with the other outer senshi unless there is a great danger.