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Sailor Neptune

  1. Name:Michelle
  2. Japanese Name:Kaiou Michiru
  3. Birthday:March 6
  4. Age:15-16?
  5. Favorite Color:Marine Blue
  6. Hobbies:collecting cosmetics, playing her violin
  7. Favorite Food:Sashimi
  8. Favorite Gemstone:aquamarine
  9. Favorite Subject:Music
  10. Height:5'4"

Michelle shows up in Sailor Moon S with the debut of Sailor Neptune. She hangs out a lot with Amara but is more gentle than her partner. Michelle loves music and plays her violin with Amara's accompaniment on the piano. She seems to have a calm personality but is seems mysterious about some things. She is also willing to die for her mission as a scout but cares about the safety of Sailor Uranus.