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Sailor Chibi Moon

  1. Name: Rini, Small Lady
  2. Japanese Name:Chibi Usagi or just Chibi-Usa
  3. Birthday:June 30 in the 30th Century
  4. Age:looks about 6-9(actual age is 900!)
  5. Favorite colors:Pink, and red
  6. Hobbies:Calling people to get her things
  7. Favorite Foods:Pudding
  8. Favorite Gemstone:Diamond
  9. Favorite Subject:Drawing, Art
  10. Height:3'5"

    Rini is the future daughter of Serena and Darien. She first traveled back to the past to find the Silver Empurium Crystal in the hopes of rescuing her mother. Rini loves her mommy very much and would risk anything to save her. Back in the past however, Rini relationship with her mother's former self was very competitive. Rini doesn't like it when Serena is with Darien because she loved Darien. In Sailor Moon S and SuperS, Rini comes back to the past to begin her training as a Sailor Scout. In StarS she returns to the future but comes back to help Eternal Sailor Moon in her fight against Galaxia(in the manga anyways).

    In Sailor MoonR, Rini was taken in and brainwashed by Wiseman, the Evil Dark Shadow. She became the black lady when she didn't think anyone loved her. But Sailor Moon used the silver Crystal to help her remember her parents and how much they loved her.