Small Talk

A trilogy written at a time where although there was plenty of Janet/Daniel angst around, it was mostly written with the backdrop of the Season 7 episode "Heroes".

What follows focusing mainly on the Janet/Daniel romantic relationship, and touches briefly on the unique relationships Janet also shares with Jack and Sam.

While both and "Something to Talk About" are song titles, that's as far as it goes... no song fics here *g* (And if we want to get technical, then "Try Hard To Speak" is a lyric from a song called "Speak". Because I suck at titles, so songs and their lyrics are very useful. *big grin*)

"Something To Talk About" I rated "R" to be safe, although there's nothing really explicit in there (I'm just being safe)

Oh, and Janet says one naughtly little word in "Try Hard to Speak"

Small Talk
After eight years apart, what can you say?

Try Hard To Speak
"I didn't know how to tell him then; I still don't know how to tell him now."

Something to Talk About
Some things are always difficult to talk about