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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Vocab

Demon - Otherworldly creatures: some of them might need to be slain

Hell mouth - Sunny dale sits upon an ancient portal between this world and those of the demon.

Initiative - The initiative is a military organization Who hade a mission to capture demons and vamps, And they had a secret mission which was adem. Which only the top people new about (prof. walsh was one).

The key - An incredible energy source that opens door between dimensions. To protect the key, a group of old world monks transformed it into a human form (Buffy's sister dawn) that the slayer would defend with her life.

Scooby gang - The original posse: Buffy, Willow, Giles, and Xander. Anya and Spike are members as well.

Slay, Dust, Waste - Wiping out a vampire, usually done by driving a wooden stake through the heart.

Slayer - Every generation has a girl with the strength and skill to fight vampires. This generation's slayer is Buffy

Vampire, Vamp, the undead - A monster sans soul that looks human unless it's attacking. Vamps drink blood to survive - and they prefer that its humans!

Watcher - A mortal who finds, trains and guides the slayer. Buffy's watcher is (Rupert) Giles , before he was fired from his job by the watchers council.