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Jesse: Brothers and Sisters

Adam, I hope you know that this little act is considered a consent to your death and you will pay accordingly. I’m taking the bike but I’m still gonna kick your ass. Maybe it’ll make me feel just a little better. I never thought it would be this hard. At first I was so mad at you Adam, I could have killed you on the spot but Brennan gave me some good advice. He told me to go to my room. I did and I thought about it and this is undoubtedly your fault, indirectly of course. If you hadn’t made us what we were, if you weren’t on that damn quest to make everything better with a simple shot, none of us would be what we are now. Life isn’t supposed to be perfect. People are supposed to die or get sick or go blind or get old. It humbles us. It lets us know we’re human. But we’re not human. We’re an off-shoot and we’re punished everyday for it. Amanda paid with her life and I paid with my heart but you, you don’t have to deal with the half of it. I hate that you were naïve enough to think that you could solve the world’s problems with just a few treatments. You were too smart for your own good. You were too smart to know that knowledge wasn’t meant to be the answer, but the stepping-stone and we pay for it everyday. You’ve seen Emma. She’s changed and I want her back to the person I used to know, the person I fell in love with. She’s not the same because she’s seen what your creations have done. Sometimes, I hate you for it. I hate you for doing this to us and I hate that you think that some how, you can make it better. You can’t. You’re on the same foolish crusade you were ten, twenty years ago. Only this time, you’re stupid enough to think it will work. It won’t. And I hate that it will always be this way.

That brings me to you Emma. You’re beautiful. I know you don’t think so. I see it every time you glance in the mirror. You don’t like what you’ve become. I know you don’t feel the way I do, you don’t have any desire towards me, but at one point, that was okay because I had Amanda and Shalimar, but now its different. You don’t want to be you and no one wants to be a mutant anymore. You were our voice of reason but now, I don’t think you even know what your voice sounds like. I don’t know how to help you and I’m not sure any of us would ever be of any help to you. Maybe Adam could be more than the man who created us. Maybe he could be the calm you seek.

Brennan. You know for a while, I hated you. I wished that you some how electrocuted yourself in the shower and Shalimar would run to me, in tears and I’d make everything okay. I wanted it to be like it used to be but she’s not coming back to me. So I’ll have faith in you and believe that you’ll take care of her. She trusts you and she’s got great instincts. Make no mistake about it, she might be the feral, but I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe and happy. You hurt her and I will break every bone in your body. When I first met her, she was the woman of my dreams, I didn’t know her but I knew I wanted to marry her. To say I was young and stupid would be an understatement. I had it in my mind that she needed me to protect her but after our first mission, I was severely corrected. She was the “alpha male” and if I wanted to work with her, I had to recognize that. To me, Shal was a hard ass feminist that wasn’t worth the many times she knocked me on my back. She brought my ego back down to earth and I realized she wasn’t just a girl with amazing abilities, she was a woman with a personality. I was in a whole new league. I talked with her and it was only natural that we trusted each other. We looked out for each other. She was my sister and I was her brother. It was a bond that could never be broken. She told me everything, even the more personal things that I really didn’t need to know about. Then you came along. Six foot, some inches of pure ‘man’. I didn’t see it coming but I should have. Even Emma had a thing for you. But I thought Shal would have found you arrogant, too full of yourself to work on this team. I didn’t want to know you. I just wanted you away from our family. I made sure I didn’t let anyone see my contempt for you and when you were captured, I volunteered to go in and get you. It all progressed from there. You and Emma got your rings and you became part of the family. Families aren’t always made of brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers. Where would we be without the husband and the wife? Where would we be without the better half of relationships? She used to tell me everything. Until you came along. She tried once, but I think she thought I’d be upset. She promised she wouldn’t hurt me and I know she wouldn’t say anything if she knew it’d hurt me. But I’m over it. Why? Because I know where you live and I control most of the systems in Sanctuary. Shal is a big girl, she can kick all of our butts two times over and still be ready for more, but that doesn’t mean that when she’s tired, she can’t have back up. As your friend, I advise you to think wisely before you enter a relationship. Think about the consequences and benefits. She’s a handful, and don’t treat her like a chick, treat her like the one guy that could take you down, whenever, wherever. As her friend, I warn you, you hurt her and she will hurt you. As her brother, I warn you, stay away from her. Now, if Shalimar wasn’t in the equation, I might even think of you as a brother, but for now, lets settle for you being the best friend trying to get with my sis.

So, how are you and Brennan doing? Yes I know about the little ‘thing’ between you two. Yeah yeah yeah, I know it’s not official but it’s something worth mentioning. I’m not mad. I’m not even hurt. I just wished you would have told me. I could have at least knocked some sense into him the many times he had to be… Brennan. He has his moments where he has to be a guy but you know how we are, completely full of ourselves and willing to do anything to prove ourselves. It gets us in trouble a bit too frequently. Maybe you could teach a class call “Men: Bringing them down one step at a time”. It’d successful. He only does the things he dose and says the things he says because he cares. A lot more than he expected to. You’ve got this quality that makes it impossible to not like you. You wanna hear something funny? I just spent twenty minutes threatening Brennan just to defend him. Who thought of giving us a conscience anyway? Guess that’s what makes us human, or at least partially. Don’t worry about what Emma said. I know how she feels. I know you were taking up for me but believe me, she has too much to deal with, without me adding on to it. Hopefully Adam can help her.

God we need a break. It’s been non-stop mutant rescuing for the last few weeks. I know that’s our job but it feels like we’re wearing ourselves out. Adam was right when he said we’re falling apart. You and I haven’t really talked in days and you haven’t kept up your training with any of us. You’ve barely talked to Brennan, a sure sign that something is wrong. Seriously, you two live to argue while playing a game of pool or competing in a training exercise. You’ve only been taking cat-naps. I know you only do that when you’re too tired to actually sleep. One of your weirder habits. Emma has barely been out of her room, except to get something to snack on. She’s inhaled almost all the jello and Ritz peanut-butter crackers. Brennan read more books in the last few days than he has in all his free time. Now that I think about it, none of us have really slept. Not even Adam. He’s been working non-stop in the lab. We just really need a break. Maybe we could go to Cancun, or even New York. We just need to go somewhere and have fun. Like we used to.
I guess this writing thing isn’t really that bad. You’re still going to pay for locking me in here, Adam.

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