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Title: Wounded/Healed by starbuck

Classification: MSR

Rating: NC-17

Spoilers: none

Summary: Scully and Mulder face their feelings as Scully nurses Mulder's most recent wounds (literally.) This is a shipper tale, sex and all-who needs a plot, right? Feedback: As this is first Mulder/Scully fanfic I've chosen to post, I'd appreciate any feedback, good or bad at Hope you enjoy.


(part one)


By xenoprobe

"Mulder stop fidgeting" Scully's voice spat at him as he shuffled back against her couch. The scrape wound along his collarbone was deep and had not stopped bleeding in the last half-hour. "Mulder please, hold still, I have to clean this wound before any infection sets in." She swabbed disinfectant against the burning scratch and her partner writhed in brief spurts of pain. "There, it's all done..." Mulder laid back and tried to relax as Scully pulled his dress shirt closed over the dressed wound. He felt her tiny fingers fumbling to close the buttons.

"Leave it Scully... I'll only have to get them undone later and it's too difficult a task to contemplate right now." His hand enveloped hers at his neckline and lowered her hand to her lap. She rested there, feeling her pulse in his grasp.

Scully stood up and left the living room only to return with two pills in her clutch. She snagged a cup of spring water from the fridge and resumed her place at his side.

"Here, I want you to take these," she extended her palm in front of his mouth, "they'll help with the pain." Mulder locked his eyes to hers for just a moment taking in her piercing blue gaze.

"Will I sleep?" he mumbled, his bottom lip barely touching her outstretched hand. "I don't want to sleep Scully, I just want to lie here a while, if that's ok?"

"You know that's fine Mulder, and they may make you a little drowsy, there's a low grade dopamine in them." He smiled at her, always the doctor. Mulder silently relished these times. Although getting scratched by their latest perpetrator was not his idea of fun, he certainly loved the attention Scully showered him with when he was injured. Mulder lowered his mouth to her palm and circled his lips around the two pills. Scully's eyes fluttered shut, briefly, feeling his mouth and the hint of his tongue on her opened hand. When her eyes shot open, Mulder was resting back and looking at her curiously, her hand was still hovering in front of him.

"You ok Scully?" Mulder grinned a tiny, boyish smile.

"Fine. I'm fine Mulder." She withdrew her arm and wiped the palm of her hand on her thigh. "Can I get you anything, a drink, the remote?" He shook his head 'no'. "I'm going to change but I'll check up on you shortly ok? Get some rest Mulder." Scully slipped away behind her bedroom door, leaving it open a crack, letting the light spill out into the hall.

She sat down on her bed and rubbed her own shoulders. 'What was that all about! You know better than that.' She scolded herself for letting her guard down to savour Mulder's mouth on her skin. 'Just stop it, right now dammit.'

"Dammit!" The curse escaped her lips and Mulder's ears perked up. He glanced at the crack of light from her door and crooked his neck to see. Scully passed by the opening once, in her regular suit. She passed again without the skirt and jacket, her blouse wrinkled at the waist and fallen around her nylon covered legs. Mulder drew in a breath 'look away' he told himself, but he couldn't resist the thought of one more pass by the door. He could just see her silhouette along the doorframe as her blouse slipped away. 'I can't handle this.' Mulder's mind raced, as did his pulse as he fought his inner devil/angel battle- to look or not to look. He continued to watch until Scully emerged in her blue satin pajamas. He closed his eyes as if to fake sleep, drew in a long breath and relaxed back into the couch.

The next thing he felt was Scully's feather touch on his forehead. 'He's hot, wonder if I should check his temperature...' She rested her full palm to his brow for a minute and resolved he'd be fine. She eased her weight onto the couch as to not stir his slumber and watched his chest rise and fall with his breathing. Her hand fell to his chest without thinking and she traced little movements along the wrinkled folds of his shirt. She couldn't resist touching his hair, just once, so she felt for his temperature again. Only this time her fingers slipped through his silky bangs. 'Stop this now Scully.' She warned herself, but as her hand slowly followed his jaw line with her light touch Mulder's eyes opened.

"Scully?" his voice was different, breathless.

"Its alright, I was just checking you temperature," she lied and her words caught before escaping her mouth. They stared into each other for a long moment, feeling that taught wire between them grow even tighter. Sooner or later that wire would snap free.

Mulder reached his hand up to Scully's cheek, startling her in the low light. "Scully..." he murmured as if for the sake of hearing his own voice say her name.

"Are you ok Mulder, are you in pain?" Scully could not remove herself from the gentle touch of his palm to her cheek.

"Yes. Yes I'm in pain," his voice was barely a whisper, "I'm in pain every time you look at me, every time I feel you brush up next to me or my hand traces down your back as we walk through a door. I'm in pain knowing that by saying this, I'm probably alienating the only person in my life that I love-" Mulder's words preceded his thoughts and they caught in his dry throat.

Scully nuzzled his palm as his words flowed into her. No longer was she thinking with her rational mind, she was finally thinking with her heart.

"I ache too Mulder." Her tiny voice was like a loud speaker in his mind, it boomed in his blood as he sat up and leaned in so close to her that her breath rained upon his face. 'She smells so good' Mulder's mind was awash with emotion. He slipped his fingers into her crimson hair and cupped her face with his large hands and stared. They stared into each other; hazel swirling into bright blue until Scully shed a tear. Mulder leaned in and tasted it from her cheek; his pillowed lips caressing her face as the salty tear disappeared forever. He pulled away, but only far enough that their foreheads touched. Scully tilted her head back just slightly and Mulder looked down into those eyes one more time before they fluttered shut. She reached her tiny hands as far as they'd go around him and pulled him into her embrace. Her lips touched his so softly at first, a whisper kiss that left them burned to the touch. Mulder pressed harder, kissing back deeply, grasping her face and opening his mouth to her tongue. He thought he'd die at the taste of her mouth, he could be lost there forever-aliens, hybrids and the consortium would have to make do without him. This, Scully's full lips pressed to his, her tongue searching, dueling in passionate strokes, this was the only truth he needed.

"I love you." His lips formed the words as they pressed against hers. Their kiss twisted into a kaleidoscope of passion as each clung to the other in desperation for touch. Mulder crushed her, his long arms wrapped tightly around her small frame, his mouth nipping at hers, licking her lips and exchanging a heat that was near blinding.

Scully pulled away breathlessly. "I love you." Her own voice like a drill in her head, the words resounding endlessly as a smile took her over. "I love you Mulder." She said it again, testing her voice and when she realized that no harm stood in their way, she fell back into his arms and into a kiss that neither of them had thought possible.

Mulder's hand smoothed its way along her shoulder, pulling at her satin pajama top, her shoulder peeked out and Mulder kissed his way past her neck to lay claim to this new bare skin. He nipped at her flesh, tasting her as his fingers unbuttoned their way down. Scully wriggled her shoulders, sending the satin garment sliding to the couch behind her. Mulder's long arms folded around her skin like angel's wings. They enveloped her. He continued to kiss the milky skin along her collarbone, leaving streaks of fire in the wake of his lips.

Mulder leaned back, not letting go of her and realized he was staring at Scully's exposed breasts. Her perfect round, firm breasts. His jaw dropped a little and a smirk crept across Scully's lips, threatening a smile. His eyes caught hers and the smile disappeared. The look was intense, scalding; it was a look of desire she'd never experienced. Scully found herself in a spiral of passion as her feelings ran screaming to the surface of her skin. Her bright blue eyes darkened and Mulder could literally see the reciprocal fury that consumed her.

"Scully..." Her name rolled off his tongue with new meaning as he lowered his head to her chest. He kissed everywhere, each minute detail of her flesh being catalogued in his brain. Her breasts were perfection, not large but full. They were ripe with arousal and her dark, rosy nipples were like candy, waiting for him. His mouth circled gently over her left breast and her back arched to the whisper sensation and as his tongue slide out over the nub of her nipple. He looked up at her face, locking into her gaze. He stared at her, suckling and laving her breast hungrily as his hands tugged and flicked at the right nipple. She squirmed with each infliction as he switched his open mouth to her right breast smoothing his fingers over the wet nipple he'd temporarily abandoned. Scully was fascinated; never looking away from the vision that was Fox Mulder suckling her intently. A crimson flush of arousal crept over her, engulfing a streak of red up her torso, her breasts, neck and face. It was almost too much to feel. Almost.

"Muh-" her voice died. "Mulder." she tried again still breathless. His mouth traversed the supple skin in the valley between her breasts, kissing as if he could not bear to pull away from her for one moment. His hands clambered up her arms, fingers twisting into her hair and clutching her jaw as their lips met again. This kiss was more than anything Scully had ever felt. Mulder was blinded in a white flash as her tongue shot into his mouth impatiently.

"Oh Scuhllee" He moaned into her mouth, muffling the syllables against their ragged breaths. With a strength Mulder never knew she possessed, Scully coiled her arms around his neck, pulling him deeper into this never ending kiss, it was climactic as her bare chest pressed against him, crushing him, stealing his breath. She loosened her grip as her fingers descended over his chest, deftly undoing his shirt. He'd forgotten about the deep scratch in his shoulder, never wincing as Scully wrapped herself around him anew, naked, skin to skin, electric.

"Mulder-" she slipped away from him and his heart stumbled at the loss of her mouth. Guiding him by the hand Scully led her partner to her bedroom, into the low light of his new home.

End of Part One