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Title: Just Another Day
Author: Celia Tracy (aka Rae Street, aka Rainfall)
Summary: It's just another day here in lovely downtown Gotham City... or is it? Who's that lurking in the shadows of our fair city... and will Batman be able to stop him in time?
Rating: PG-13 for violence
Status: WiP
Disclaimer: All Batman characters belong to DC Comics, and whomever else they belong to. Used without permission. All non-DC characters are my own creations. Please don't sue me... I ain't got no munny, just a lil' plot bunny. Sue him instead. ;-)
A/N: Alright... just a few notes here before you begin to read. It's been a few years since I picked up a comic book... most of my Batman knowledge comes from the animated series, and what I've been able to scrounge up on the net. But regardless of my "non-canon" knowledge, I am doing my best to keep the characters In-Character. If you see any parts of this story that seem particularly out of character, please tell me and I'll do my best to fix it.

=Just Another Day=
Chapter One:

Since the Joker's escape from Arkham three weeks ago, Batman had spent countless hours scouring the city, searching for clues to the homicidal maniac's whereabouts. Robin, Batgirl and Nightwing assisted in the search where they could, while Alfred closely monitored all police broadband broadcasts. But all of their efforts proved fruitless. Not a glimpse was seen, nor a peep heard from one of Gotham's most dangerous criminals. It was as if the Joker had simply vanished from off the face of the earth.

After another long night of futile searching, all five parties met in the Batcave to discuss further options. Batman's face was grim, more grim than usual, and everyone looked exhausted. The long hours and tension were taking their toll.

Nightwing looked around at everyone, his eyes coming to rest upon Batman. He sighed, and spoke up.

"We've turned the city upside down countless times already, but we still haven't found any sign of the Joker. What more can we do?" he said, resignation in his voice.

"Are you giving up?" Batman asked.

Nightwing's jaw tightened, as if he'd been slapped. He struggled to maintain control over his already strained emotions, and his voice.

"I'm not giving up. I'm merely suggesting we wait until the Joker makes a move, then nab him. We've done all we can, and we're not accomplishing anything by going on these wild goose chases night-after-night." he said, and silently added, Except maybe killing ourselves with exhaustion.

Batman was silent for a few moments, watching his former partner. Nightwing fought the urge to look away... Instead, he looked straight into Batman's eyes, meeting his gaze squarely. Nightwing was no longer a kid, a sidekick. He was his own man now, and didn't need Batman's approval in what he thought or did. He had meant what he said, and he would stand by it no matter what Batman thought.

After a seemingly endless silence, Batman turned his gaze to Batgirl and Robin. "Do you feel the same way? That we are wasting our time?" he asked them.

Neither Batgirl nor Robin new what to say, and they stared silently at Batman. Batman narrowed his eyes.

"Then do what you feel you have to," he said.

He turned, walking past Nightwing without a second glance.

Nightwing's hands clenched into fists. Alfred walked over to him, and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't take it so hard, Master Dick," he said quietly. "Master Bruce has hardly eaten nor slept since the Joker escaped. He's taken it rather hard..."

"Nightwing does not require an explanation, Alfred," Batman said, from his seat in front of the computer console.

Alfred was taken aback by the curt tone in Batman's voice. He stiffened visibly, then turned to address his employer.

"As you wish, Sir," he said in a polite, professional tone of voice. He drew himself up to his full height. "If you no longer require my services at this time, I shall be off to attend to my other duties."

Without turning around, Batman nodded his assent.

"Very good, Sir," Alfred said. He turned to Robin. "Will you be up shortly, Master Timothy? If so, I shall prepare a snack for you before you go to sleep."

"Yeah, sure. Thanks Alfred. I'll be up in a minute," Robin replied with a small smile.

Alfred gave a nod, then turned and walked up the staircase.

Nightwing watched him go, then turned to leave as well. He was stopped by a hand on his arm; Batgirl's.

"Where are you going?" she asked softly.

"Somewhere warmer," he said, looking in Batman's direction, "like Antarctica." He looked back at Batgirl, and smiled slightly. "My bike's parked outside. Need a lift?" He asked.

"Sure," she said, returning the smile. "Just give me a couple of minutes."

Nightwing glanced from Batgirl, over to Batman, then back to Batgirl. He nodded.

"I'll be waiting," he said. He turned to Robin.

"See ya later, Kid," he said with a wink, then left.

"Kid?!" Robin said, exasperated. "I've taken criminals down singlehandedly, and he still calls me a kid? What do I have to do to gain some respect around here?"

Batgirl grinned, and ruffled his hair.

"Not funny," Robin said, glaring.

"Depends on your point of view," Batgirl said, still grinning.

Robin sighed, and shook his head in resignation. He glanced over at Batman, still working steadily at the computer.

"Hey, Batgirl... what's wrong with him?" he asked, concern in his voice.

"What do you mean?" she asked, as she walked with Robin to the foot of the staircase.

"He's just really on edge lately. More than usual. Like Alfred told Nightwing, he hardly eats or sleeps, and spends most of his time down here or out looking for Joker. I've seen him obsessed before, but not like this." His face grew somber. "I don't get it. We've faced off against Joker countless times before, and taken him down. What's so different about this time? Why is Batman so driven to find him?"

"Only Batman knows why, and he's not telling any of us." Batgirl replied. "I really wish he would."

Robin turned and walked silently up the staircase, a thoughtful expression on his face.

Batgirl watched him go, then turned and walked over to Batman. She stood next to him, silently watching a few moments as he worked. She lifted a hand to his shoulder.

"Batman?" she asked softly, "We've taken the Joker down before. I know we can take him down again, if we just get the chance."

Batman paused.

"And how many people will die this time, while we sit and wait for our chance?" Batman replied.

"Batman, I don't understand... what is so different about this time?" Batgirl asked.

Batman looked at the security monitor.

"Nightwing is waiting," was his only response. And he turned back to his work.

Batgirl let her hand drop back at her side, and turned away.

"I'll be back tonight," she said, then left as quickly as she could.

Batman turned back to the security monitor, and watched as Batgirl left the Batcave.

Nightwing was seated on his motorcycle, waiting for her as he had promised. Batgirl walked over to him, climbed onto the back of the motorcycle, and wrapped her arms around his waist. Nightwing started the engine, and they drove away into the remains of the night.

Batman waited until they were out of sight, then he turned his attention back to the Joker files. It was not his intention to alienate his partners, his surrogate family. He respected and relied on each of them, more than they realized. But he simply could not agree with Nightwing's suggestion, that they sit and wait for the Joker to make his move.

Batman thought back to his last encounter with the Joker. It had been four months ago, on New Year's Eve. The Joker had crashed the festivities at Times Square, intent on welcoming in the new year with a bang. A really BIG bang. In doing so, he placed the lives of many citizens in danger.

The Joker had wired the entire place with dynamite, and placed within the ball a gas of his own concocting. When the ball dropped, the gas, combined with the firepower of the explosives, would have created a giant fireball big enough to take out several city blocks.

Batman had just managed to stop the Joker from setting off the chain reaction, and the Joker swore revenge.

As he was carted away, in chains, by the police, the Joker shouted over his shoulder loud enough for Batman to hear.

"You think you've won this time, Batman, but you're only delaying the inevitable. Your precious Gotham will yet go up in a blazing inferno, and you won't be able to stop it. You can count on it!" then he laughed, a long chilling laugh, which even now set Batman's teeth on edge.

Batman shook himself out of his reverie. He knew all too well the Joker's obsession with death, in all its many forms. The Joker would do everything in his power to make good on his word. Batman could not rest easy until the Joker was back behind bars, where he belonged.

Batman looked up at the picture of Joker he had pulled up on the computer monitor.

"What are you planning?" he asked out loud. And will I be able to stop you in time? he thought to himself.

After a few moments, Batman turned off the computer monitor. He stood up and walked over to the closet. After changing out of his Batman costume, Bruce Wayne made his way silently up the stairs, on his way to get some much needed rest.

TBC in Chapter Two