Briefing Room

Here's where I'll tell you about updates here at Warpspeed. I think that over the next few months you'll see alot, so pay attention!

UPDATED DECEMBER 29TH, 2000: Well, I've changed the layout of the site around completely. Expect more piccies in Holodeck Two soon--as in the next couple of days. Pleae, let me know what you you think of the new layout. I am to please, you know.

UPDATED SEPTEMBER 17TH, 2000: *GASP* I managed to get things done TWO DAYS IN A ROW? Will wonders never cease? Anyway, the updates this time are two new and (I hope) fun things in the Ready Room.

UPDATED SEPTEMBER 16TH, 2000: Some new links are in the Shuttlebay.

UPDATED SEPTEMBER 4TH, 2000: Okay, I haven't exactly updated in a while. *pause* Okay, I haven't updated in over a month. But I've done a few things to the page that I hope you'll like, including a bit of playing around with the layout of the Main Bridge, some rearranging, and a new link or two. I hope you like it!

UPDATED JULY 26TH, 2000: Whole new sections in Holodeck One!!! Plus, COMING SOON: An episode guide and my opinions about some of the episodes!!!! YAYAYAYAY!!!!! Are some of you thinking, "FINALLY!" I know I am.

UPDATED JULY 20TH, 2000: There's a new addtion to this site! Now you can win an award given out by me. If you've got a Star Trek: Voyager web site, just submit it and see what happens!!! :-) Also a good way to get included in my links page. *g* However, I did put it in Holodeck Four, which was my online store until today, when I found out that it's *oops!* illegal to have that sort of thing on a fan site! *sigh* The link to Amazon's still up, in what WAS going to be the award page, Holodeck Five. Oh, and the "A Word From A'Lehsen" is changed. Big thanks to those of you who gave me support over the last weeks!

[Main Bridge] [Holodeck One] [Holodeck Two] [Holodeck Three]
[Holodeck Four] [Holodeck Five] [Captain's Ready Room] [The Shuttlebay]
[Transporter Room] [Personal Logs]