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Vampire Kingdom Princess Elizabeth

My Favorite things about the Vampire Kingdom

My Favorite Web Site

The Vampire Kingdom
My Queen's Website
The first Black Knight of The Vampire Kingdom

I am a goddess in a world of gods.

It is I, only I that seeks one kind of Prince. For my prince will be a god,a knight and a Vampire. He will be more than a man but will be my love. What is it to this world what I shall say. For It is only I who seeks a day. I hope all is well to you my friend, rest your feet dear traveler, I have much to say. For yes I know that the journey is long. I am a Vampress with a lovely song. The Birds in the night very seldom fly.But there are a few, still in the sky. Sleep well dear stranger in the arms of love. Tommorow the birds sing and coo like a dove.

Written by Princess Elizabeth (Copyright @ 2001)

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Cindy is my room mate and has joined the Kingdom. You can write her on my E-mail if you like.

Hi everyone in the Vampire kingdom. I am shy so thank you all for letting me in the Kingdom. I do not get on the computer much but I answer my mail. That is about it. Write me.

Princess Cindy

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