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"If I am to die, I will die slowly so I will remember what it was like to live."

Aiemara ™
Episode I - The Undiscovered Realm
Draft I

NOTE : Everything here is subject to change.


 During the dawn of time, when the heavens and the earth were created, when man first evolved from the prehistoric ooze, into a more intelligent being in the days where the dinosaurs reigned over the realm of Earth known as “Pangaea”. Another worlds not so distant but undiscovered, hidden behind the known “Horseshoe Nebula” was formed.

This is the undiscovered realm, where magic is none existent, where God and the Devil are not a factor, where religion ceases to exist in the human sense of expression. Although this world does have its delicate balance of good and evil, it is not brought about by gods or celestial begins.

Two forces shaped this world, two forms of manipulative energy. They have existed since the dawn of man, and the creation of the universe as we know it today.

This is the recorded history of the world known as Aiemara. The ability to unleash the powers of The Light or The Dark lie in the connection to the keys which are represented by two swords, Destiny and Vengeance which are forged of a metal known only as “spectral metal” which refers to the different responses the metal has in the hands of various people. A person representing goodness and nobility turns the metal into a vibrant array of rainbow colors and the blade appears to be made of solid light. (flat). In the hands of the vengeful and wicked the metal turns black and becomes surrounded in a blue flame which is agonizing to the touch.

No one knows when or who constructed these two swords, all that is known is that they have shaped the lives and destinies of the people of Aiemara and those connected to it.

I. Aiemara - The First War

a. In the beginning before the continents of earth were separated and human life had evolved there existed two swords. One sword, Destiny represented the forces of good on Aiemara while another sword Vengeance represented the forces of evil. Every generation there is a single individual chosen to determine which of these two forces is stronger. As such this riddle has ended in a draw for eons. The wielder of either sword has the ability to alter molecules into various forms of energy or matter. The source of this power has no name but those who use it for the forces of good deem it The Light while those who use The Light for purposes of evil corrupt it into a powerful and deadly energy known as The Dark.
b. During the First War Aiemara is as advanced and high tech like that of the technology in a world like Coruscant from Star Wars, however even with all of this advanced technology there is a great war that defies what science and technology can offer and both legions of light and dark hearted warriors prepare to clash.
c. Despite lasers and weapons of mass destruction the first war two warring factions clash to decide control of the planet of Aiemara. These factions are composed of the first known Light Wielders/Masters known as The Ancients, a group of those who fight for all that is righteous and just in the world. The dark hearted warriors composed of Dark Wielders/Masters are known as The Fallen.
d. Among both factions there exists a single leader. This person has the highest concentration, discipline, and understanding of the power known as The Light or The Dark. The leader of the forces of good is known as “The Master of The Light” while the leader of the forces of evil is known as “The Master of The Dark”. The title “Master of” can only be given to one person per side. These two individuals are destined to try and solve the dilemma of which side is truly stronger. The question must be solved because whoever holds the greater power controls all.
e. The Masters of The Light and Dark clash in an epic battle with mystical powers that manipulate molecules to form various attacks and defenses. With this war both the forces of The Light and The Dark suffer extreme casualties.
f. After several weeks of fighting, both sides extinguish their armies leaving only the two leaders to decide the outcome of the battle. The Master of the Light and The Master of the Dark along with various scattered normal individuals.
g. Standing upon the war-torn battlefield among the corpses of their servants and slain warriors both Masters clashed their swords together in an endless duel that seemed to be drawn into a stalemate.

II. The Energy Rift

a. Exhausted from the clanging of steel against spectral steel the two Masters resorted to summoning up the greatest abundance of Light/Dark possible and unleashed a massive energy burst towards one another.
b. This enormous burst of red and purple energy slammed head on into each other and backfired on both Masters as the energy coupled together and suddenly expanded outward into a devastating ring of unstoppable energy which consumed everything in its path. The energy rift reduced great structures to ashes extinguishing all but a handful of people left on Aiemara sweeping across the entire planet until nothing was left on the surface of their great advanced society. Technology was destroyed with no one left but a few to document the tale in the books of history,
c. This rift did not end at the destruction of Aiemara but continued to expand outward, fueled by a unquenchable power as it rippled through our Solar system impacting into once livable planets, shattering orbits and shifting climates extinguishing all life on Neptune, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto, etc until it reached Earth during the reign of the dinosaurs.
d. The Dinosaurs glanced skyward before the energy rift consumed the planet of Earth and shattered Pangaea into the seven continents with such destructive force that the dinosaurs were forced into extinction. Thus explains the true extinction of the dinosaurs and the theories of continental drift. Pangaea was no more.

III. Aiemara - The Second Generation

a. Countless years passed and as a result of the devastating energy unleashed from the First War, Aiemara developed a direct connection to Earth, the only other planet to sustain life. Random dimensional doorways opening at various times as quick and unpredictable as they appeared. This was key to the rebuilding of Aiemara’s shattered society which would not return to its former technological wonder of its first generation.
b. Although it is not yet clear which legend is truth, knights from Earth during the Dark Ages accidentally wandered into one of these random portals and transported to Aiemara. The Aiemarians whom resemble humans were astounded by the technology these knights introduced into their world. Having already assumed a lifestyle of villages and hunting parties with a fledgling feudalist system, the knight’s armor and weapons were studied and soon these humans from earth realized they could never return to their former kingdoms. These knights became the saints of Aiemara and were influential in rebuilding its way of life.
c. Many more years would come to pass and neither of The Light or The Dark had resurfaced since the First War. The second generation of people on Aiemara began to adapt and advance the technology of the knights. Soon castles rose and armor was forged, swords clashed and crossbows became armed with various arrows. Among this technology based upon the weapons and life of the Dark Ages was on drastic advancement…electricity.
d. Aiemarians advanced the ideals and mechanics of the Dark Ages as far as possible incorporating applications of electricity for light and power. I would say the easiest way to picture how they harnessed electricity is to consult the concepts of Van Helsing for visual cues.
e. Aiemara was at last able to rebuild its structure based upon a system of feudalism baring several kingdoms ruled by various kings, queens, etc. This point would be based upon the structure of Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.
f. The remnants of the first generation of Aiemara had written books to document the tragedy of the First War. These few were granted infinite aging as a fall out effect of the energy wave that consumed Aiemara. Why did they manage to survive? Perhaps it is fate or perhaps it is in the necessity to document history and unlock the secrets of the past. In any sense these few became known as Sages.
g. These Sages were responsible for documenting and preserving the life of Aiemara to ensure the past would not repeat itself. They also retained the knowledge but could not wield the powers of The Light. The Dark itself was no longer present because neither survivor could wield The Light for from it. This then kept both sides in balance. Human nature however would not become so easily contained.

IV. The Temples of Light/Dark

a. The Sages decided that the best way to preserve the history of the past was to divide the artifacts and documents of The Ancients and The Fallen into two separate places. These two temples, one called Temple of Radiance and Temple of Shadows were erected to seal away anything that would become a threat to the current established society and thus allow the tragedy of The Light/Dark war to become contained. All scraps of Light/Dark information were sealed away in their respective locations and forgotten.
b. Not all Sages were pure of heart however, some of the less noble survivors of the First War events hid away books known as the Dark Journals in hopes that one day they might translate the writing and gain power for themselves.
c. Warlords soon learned of the Temples and invaded them several times only to discover that no one could translate the ancient writing and understand the uses of the artifacts within. Viewed as useless spoils of war and utterly ancient and outdated the quest to attain items of information from these temples was soon neglected and with that so did the desire to enter the hallowed sanctuaries.
d. A man known only as “D” (Michael Wincott) became a fearsome warrior with an unquenchable lust for power and control. He butchered hundreds of people to appease his bloodlust and conquered much land. However he was not satisfied with his accomplishments. To strike true fear into those who opposed him, he needed something more.
e. D hunted down the Sages one by one searching for information on The Dark.
He soon located three books known as the Dark Journals. These books detailed the location of the Temple of Shadows and explained some of the artifacts within. Armed with this knowledge which had become lost for years, D ventured to the forgotten site.
f. D had no love, no compassion, and no mercy. This made him the perfect choice by the spirits of The Fallen to unleash the powers of The Dark once more.
g. D broke into the entrance to the temple with relative ease. He found that when he entered the temple, unlike the Dark Journals written in the hand of The Sages, D could not translate nor understand any of the older manuscripts and artifacts inside the temple.
h. From the dusty interior of the Temple of Shadows, a mystical light led D down a series of corridors where voices led him deeper into the dark wells of bubbling lava and blazing heat.
i. Here in this hellish interior D was offered a most interesting proposition by the voices of The Fallen still bitter to defeat the forces of The Ancients. Consumed with vengeance, they lusted to groom their champion for The Ancients could train their own. Seeing D as the most fitting, The Fallen told D that if he gave his life over entirely to their wishes he would be granted the power to wield The Dark.

V. The Fallen and The Dark Return.

a. From the dusty interior of the Temple of Shadows, a mystical light led D down a series of corridors where voices led him deeper into the dark wells of bubbling lava and blazing heat.
b. Here in this hellish interior D was offered a most interesting proposition by the voices of The Fallen still bitter to defeat the forces of The Ancients. Consumed with vengeance, they lusted to groom their champion for The Ancients could train their own. Seeing D as the most fitting, The Fallen told D that if he gave his life over entirely to their wishes he would be granted the power to wield The Dark.
c. They told him in order to wield the powers of The Dark and translate the ancient text of the temple due to the disappearance of Vengeance, D had to die and be reborn anew. Like a phoenix they urged D to give up his power and make the ultimate sacrifice.
d. A massive well of lava tore open in the earth of the cavern, revealing a sputtering vat of boiling agony. D watched with curious suspicion but showed no fear in what The Fallen coaxed him to do.
e. Sacrificing all that he had attained and forgetting about his former life, D stepped towards the edge of a towering precipice of rock appearing below him, raising him into the air. With his mind made up D plummeted into the lake of bubbling lava to certain death.
f. The lava completely consumes D’s flesh to the bone. His body disappears inside the sizzling ooze as it all seems to be a clever joke by The Fallen.
g. Moments later however D emerges from the lava, unharmed and rebuilt to an advanced muscular physic stronger and wiser then his former self. He ceases to be who he was and becomes who he has become…D reborn as the first newborn Dark Wielder.
h. Despite his ability to now wield The Dark, D could not yet understand how to use it. He was forced then to remain in the Temple of Shadows to read the manuscripts and practice his devastating powers, suffering excruciating sacrifices of pain, anguish, and bloodshed to The Fallen in exchange for uncovering the full potential The Dark gave him. D remained in the Temple of Shadows for 300 years, never aging beyond his choice to remain 30. Aiemara’s kingdoms rose and fell while the time passed and D’s precious acquisitions were lost in his absence.
Any trace of D’s former life from possessions to family were now gone.

VI. Eve Arises, The Light’s Rebirth.

a. While D studied inside the Temple of Shadows, elsewhere destiny was surrounding another such individual whose life would be forever changed by the events of the war,
b. During D’s bloodhunt for the Sages, a little girl at the age of 9 barely escaped certain death as D butchered her father who was a Sage and her mother in cold blood. Had D sensed the presence of this girl, she too would have died. Thus was the connection that led the girl running aimlessly into the forest in fear while her parent’s home was burned to the ground by D’s forces.
c. Scared and alone, the girl wandered to the site of the Temple of Radiance and took shelter inside. Here she curiously gazed over the drawings, books, and artifacts inside the hallowed structure. Too young to understand yet pure of heart enough to discern right from wrong, she would become the choice of The Ancients to battle the forces of evil D sought to unleash upon the world.
d. The girl watched in awe as a spirit representing the first Master of the Light appeared to her within the temple and spoke to her. Alone and scared she listened to the apparitions words with limited understanding. The girl desired to have direction and to be taken care of due to the loss of her parents. It was this desire that led her to choose of her own free will to accept the responsibility of representing the forces of good.
e. The girl nodded her acceptance and the spirit shifted as bands of light wrapped around the girl until she was completely consumed in dazzling radiance. Inside this cocoon of light, much like D the girl was reborn and reformed, infused with the power to wield The Light. Also like D she could not yet understand the text until after this process was completed. She also had the choice of aging at her own pace.
f. Retaining the child like innocence of her age, the girl whom had no name was dubbed “Child of Light”. Inside the Temple of Radiance she translated the text and artifacts learning of the First War but developed superior intelligence at the rate of an adult, under the influence of her spiritual mentor. Unlike D, the Child of Light was not forced to forget the tragedy of her parent’s demise at the hands of D. Although she did not recognize D as himself at this point, she would later come to realize the face of her parent’s murderer and expel justice upon him.
g. The Child of Light soon learned of the pain and anguish of war and destruction…of greed and lust for power. These things upset her greatly. Coming across a manuscript that had at one time passed into Aiemara through the portal to Earth, the Child of Light read a single page from the bible, depicting the creation of Eve (Kristana Lokken) . Seeing this name as appropriate for her task which would later be to protect Aiemara, the Child of Light made the decision to age to that of 30.
h. No longer referred to as Child of Light, Eve emerged timeless and unaltered by the passing of time. Eve now had the power and knowledge to wield The Light as a Light Wielder but she remained inside the Temple of Radiance training endlessly and learning of The Ancient’s secrets to become a true Master.
i. Within both the Temple of Shadows and Temple of Radiance lay the recognition and documentation of how to counter The Light/Dark. This knowledge was then passed on to Eve for she knew very soon she would encounter The Dark in her quest to free Aiemara from the forces of evil.

VII. D’s Reign Begins.

a. 300 years later after unlocking and mastering the powers of The Dark, D emerged from the mouth of the Temple of Shadows and ventured out into the unsuspecting kingdoms of Aiemara.
b. With the powers of The Dark devastating to any of the normal technology available and powerful enough to crush armies with a single blow, D soon recaptured all the land that was taken during his absence.
c. On one such occasion D passes into a random portal that connects Earth to Aiemara. Stranded in the middle of a field, D marks his arrival by creating formations of rock that form Stonehenge as a symbolic marker of the next territory he intends to conquer when his conquest of Aiemara is complete.
d. Just as quickly another portal grants him a doorway back into the thick of a battle between his forces and the armies of Aiemara. The vision of Earth’s land…remains sealed away in D’s thoughts that he would later write down in his own journals, revealing the true origin of Stonehenge years later that Earth would still struggle to explain but can never resolve.
e. 100 years later while Eve remained inside the Temple of Radiance while D had conquered just about the entire planet of Aiemara under his devastating power. With no one strong enough to contend with the powers of The Dark, all seemed lost. Wanting to make sure that no one could learn of his time inside the Temple of Shadows, D hunted down and killed the remaining Sages he could find, forcing them to flee to the Temple of Radiance and seek out Eve.
f. D had not yet learned of Eve’s existence, drunken with power from his enormous wealth and material possessions. He crowned himself Sovereign D, ruler of all who opposed him. In time his victories were countless. He ruled his people with an iron fist, forcing them to build monuments to his greatness, enslaving them with terror.
g. Finally having conquered endless territory, D found the Temple of Radiance and invaded it with force. He was shocked however when his forces were expelled by the powers of Eve and The Light. Eve was no longer just a rumor…she was very much real and before D could approach her or the remaining Sages, she disappeared with them in a flash of blinding purple light.
h. D invaded the now abandoned Temple of Radiance but found that most of the valuable documents were taken sometime before his arrival. With the location useless to him, save for three books on the powers of The Light, D ordered the destruction of the Temple of Radiance as it was reduced to rubble.
i. Eve gathered the last of the Sages and the wandering orphans of D’s tyranny and forged a new location she dubbed “Sanctuary” deep under the surface of Aiemara, so deep in fact that D could not detect her presence. These people who loyally followed Eve became known as “The Twelve”.
j. Eve knew that one person alone could not free the people of Aiemara from D’s control. Learning how to pass on her ability to wield The Light through the exchange of blood binding, Eve bestowed the ability to wield The Light to her trusted allies. The first legion of Light Masters was spawned.
k. 100 more years passed before Eve and her Light Masters were finally strong and disciplined enough to come to the aid of Aiemara. Armed with the knowledge of The Light on a level rivaled only by Eve herself, these Light Masters became known as The Sentries, guardians and protectors of the people.

VIII. Rise of The Sentries.

a. After 500 years combined with Eve of training and mastering The Light as opposed to the 300 years D spent training with The Dark, The Sentries appeared in various locations dominating D’s normal warlords taking back the kingdoms that were stolen, giving control back to the people.
b. In the span of a year, the amount of kingdoms taken back reached hundreds as D himself failed to keep pace with the growing number of Light Masters which had reached almost 100. The Sentries were praised and supported for their efforts by the populace of Aiemara.
c. D was selfish and closely guarded his powers but he knew that the sheer number of Light Masters had become a great threat to him, even with his awesome powers of The Dark. D also learned that when he killed a Light Master his powers seemed to grow considerably. Despite his efforts to hunt down and kill The Sentries, D still could not kill them as fast as they could be replaced.
d. D knew that if he continued to remain stubborn and hold the powers of The Dark solely to himself, the sheer numbers would eventually overtake him. However still with a cold heart and stubborn hand, D sent his troops off to die in a war they could not win.
e. Finally having conquered just about all of what remained of D’s once prominent empire, there was only one castle left to take, D’s stronghold known as Dark Province. This castle was not like the others however for it held the most powerful concentration of The Dark of all worlds created by D’s own hand. This allowed D to pass on to in, through its very foundations the ability to appear and reappear in a new location every three days. The location where the Dark Province appeared was completely random and allowed D to escape invasion time and time again by The Sentries.
f. Finally The Fallen had had enough of D’s stubbornness and forced him to return to the Temple of Shadows to further expand his training. Here they revealed to him that he too could pass on his power through blood binding and spawn his own legion of evil minions.

VIIII. The Crimson Guild is Formed.

a. After watching his land slip through his fingers, D held a massive tournament to weed out the worth and vile from the weak and pathetic.
b. Four individuals gained D’s favor and were granted the ultimate prize in exchange for absolute loyalty. These four were bonded by blood to D, granting them the power to wield The Dark. They too were forced to train in agonizing trials of bloodshed and anguish.
c. When D felt the four were ready he dubbed them The Crimson Guild and sent them out to begin slaughtering The Sentries to take back his lands.
d. The Sentries believed they were strong enough to face the powers of The Dark but they were gravely mistaken. Having read is not having experienced the full devastation that The Dark gave to its users. Also when a Dark Wielder was chosen, upon completion of their first trial of taking a life in cold blood, a branded tattoo appeared on their inner palm which could not be removed, forever marking them as servants of The Fallen.
e. Hunting down Light Wielders was no so easy with this brand for once it was discovered a Light Wielder would take measures to flee. For this reason many Dark Masters wore gloves to conceal their loyalties inside intelligence circles.
f. Daggers made from thin air paralyzed Light Masters, thorns emerging from the ground dug into their flesh, fires of red consumed bodies, great weapons of unspeakable evil swept across the land like a plague as D’s Crimson Guild began to build its numbers, giving warriors of virtue who were conquered the choice to live as bondsman of D or die like the rest. Thus D’s armies of Dark Masters hunted the Light Masters and potential wielders.
g. Added to the bloodlust, D began to realize that by passing on his blood to one person then the next and the next thinned out the balance of power. In order to remain able to wield the awesome malevolence of The Dark, Dark Wielders had to drain The Light from Light Wielders and absorb their energy, converting it into fuel for The Dark’s hunger. This made them lust even more to gain the most power between all Dark Masters which bred fierce competition, then jealousy…then civil war amongst themselves.
h. D made it a point to weed out the traitors to his wishes and destroy them personally. He would not stand for dissention among his ranks because he knew if his Crimson Guild crumbled from such egotistical needs, his power over Aiemara would once again become overtaken by the Light Masters that remained.
i. Back and forth Light Masters and Dark Masters struggled to survive or conquer which was quickly beginning to lead back to the unanswered question of which side was truly stronger.
j. Despite Eve’s guidance, D’s masterful strategy had begun growing beyond control, overtaking the number of Light Masters due to the Dark Master’s needs to hunt them down to remain strong. Evil is not without its price you see, to wield such agonizing abilities one had to sacrifice another trait to maintain the system of checks and balances between The Light and The Dark until a clear answer was given which the stronger half was.
k. 30 years later, The Light Masters became scarce due to the time needed to fully train and wield The Light. The first Sentries had trained for over 300 years to gain their power but these new breed of Light Masters were far too weak and under trained to fully understand and utilize the abilities of The Light. Exhaustion and grace necessity sacrificed discipline and control while D’s Crimson Guild remained strong and dominating.
l. 20 years after Eve could no longer stand to watch her Light Wielders perish under the combined strength of D’s forces. As much as it pained her, she recalled what she could find of the surviving Light Masters into Sanctuary as D once again enslaved Aiemara under his rule.

X. Betrayal

a. For the next 40 years known as the “Dark Sedition”, Sovereign D ruled the populace of Aiemara, keeping them in line with his Dark Wielders.
b. The people of Aiemara felt betrayed by the disappearance of The Sentries and that betrayal turned to anger, anger turned to hate and that hate unleashed itself on all involved with Eve and her “coward ways”. Viewed as traitors, Light Wielders, Masters, and anyone who even supported Eve’s vision were hunted down and either killed or turned over to D for blood money. The people of Aiemara had become influenced by D’s wicked manipulations and while some remained hopeful in an end to D’s regime, others surrendered and adapted to his control turning on their rebellious allies, handing them over to their fates.
c. This is how the Dark Masters remained empowered with The Dark, by enslaving and slowly draining what Light Masters/Wielders did not return to Eve for their own various reasons.
d. Eve heard of the betrayal of her allies and friends. Sadness and anger swept over her but she remained vigilant that whether her “children” rebelled against her or not, what she had to do by abandoning their needs was necessary to bring about the final destruction of D and all his minions. The needs of the many outweighed the needs of the few.
e. With a mother’s tough love as her name sake reflected, she turned the other cheek and remained focused on training the handful of Light Masters that remained inside Sanctuary.

XI. The Light Master Resurgence

a. 10 years later, after roughly 700 years of enduring D’s evil from his beginning to the present time, Eve was finally ready to plan on last attempt to crush D’s control once and for all.
b. Once again Light Masters swept in devastating efficiency, overtaking D’s forces once more but this time it was not to free the lands from D’s tyranny, it was to free the imprisoned Light Wielders and Masters betrayed by the populace of Aiemara.
c. Eve no longer wished to listen to the complaints of the children who betrayed her as she sought to bring about the greater good by bringing an end to The Dark once and for all whether the people of Aiemara supported her decision or not.
d. Rounding up and freeing as many Light Wielder/Masters as possible, Eve gave the people who rebelled against D’s control over their lands a choice to stand and fight with her or continue to perish under D’s minions.
e. Those who joined her defected to The Light’s side and even some of the cherished Dark Masters within D’s regime began to question his methods, defecting to Eve in secret which would eventually lead to D’s final downfall. Those Dark Master’s who defected were also given a choice to remain spies for Eve inside D’s regime or completely convert over and give up the power they were given in exchange for a second chance to fight for the forces of good with The Light as their ally.
f. There existed a location of two monuments that had survived the purge of The First War. Like the Sages, these monuments were given a special ability to capture and discern The Light and Dark within a wielder. As such they were the ultimate judges of purity and truth. A former Dark Master was brought before this hallowed ground and forced to pass between the statues. If there was the slightest hint of deception in their hearts, the statues vaporized them with blinding rays of light. Those who passed beyond the threshold were purified of their wicked ways and the mark branded upon their inner palm vanished.
g. One such spy inside D’s Dark Province wore a special amulet that allowed Eve to discover the location of the kingdom as it vanished and reappeared. Waiting for just the right time for the kingdom to reveal itself once more, with the aid of the amulet around the neck of her spy, Eve invaded the Dark Province during the three days it was forced to remain stagnant.
h. Eve herself was in battle along with her Light Master legions and gathered Aiemarian warriors as they quickly overtook the gates to the castle, vanquishing the Dark Wielders and Masters while Eve proved the most instrumental wiping out entire legions of troops with the wave of her hand and the awesome discipline and power of The Light.
i. Relentlessly Eve’s forces spilled into the throne room but they were instantly dispatched by the awesome might of D’s dark powers. One by one D defeated Eve’s allies growing stronger with each Light sensitive warrior killed. They tried to get past D’s devastating assaults until Eve herself worked her way to the throne room entrance, surveying the damage caused and the lives taken.
j. Finally after 700 years and fighting her way through all of D’s Crimson Guild minions…Eve stood face to face with the man who murdered her parents once more.
k. The final battle was about to begin…the war to end all wars.

XII. The Duel

a. With their weapons drawn, D and Eve clashed time and time again exchanging wicked blows and stunning maneuvers but both were as before in a deadly stalemate. D had his power and strength but Eve had her agility and speed.
b. D declared himself the strongest fighter in history, proclaiming that his power rivaled even the strengths of the first Dark Lord.
c. D unleashed several difference powers with The Dark, ensnaring Eve in painful thorns digging into her flesh but just as quickly Eve freed herself and leveled D to his knees with her purple uses of The Light into devastating bursts of energy.
d. The Fallen heard D’s proclamation and this angered them considerably. They felt that if D was so confident that he was bold enough to boast being superior to them, they gave him his power and they could just as easily strip him of it and find a new pawn for their deeds.
e. That very moment, D began to notice a change as portions of his body seemed to emit a red crimson haze. Wisps of red smoke billowed off his form and that’s the moment he realized the significance of the material…his power was slowly being siphoned away from his control and he for the first time since plunging into the lava inside the Temple of Shadows began to experience the feeling of great fatigue.
f. The gift of sadistic control of The Dark was ripped from D’s grasp by the spirits of The Fallen leaving him completely mortal to face Eve with the powers of a god.
g. Still stubborn to the last D picked up his sword and rushed towards Eve but she erected walls of energy with The Light and set his body ablaze with her devastating purple balls of radiant energy. As quickly as D could land a slice across Eve’s body with his superior swordsmanship, she would heal it away and press her advantage, consumed and determined to avenge the death of her family and free her people.
h. Suddenly after hours of battle the Dark Province vanished as it had done years before except this time having been stripped from The Dark that built the massive kingdom, D was left behind along with Eve in the middle of a forest clearing.

XIII. Vengeance Unleashed

a. Eve continued to fight D as he grew more and more exhausted while The Fallen mocked D mentally, torturing him for his foolishness. Eve stabbed D clean through the chest and all seemed lost…but impaled upon her blade D cried out for The Fallen to give him another chance.
b. Through considerable effort, D pulled himself off Eve’s sword and stabbed her in the chest with a concealed dagger, granting him enough time to gain distance as his vision blurred in and out of focus. As Eve was about to deliver her killing blow suddenly the ground tore open beneath the two opponents and sent both spiraling into opposite corners.
c. D’s back cracked hard against a tree while Eve was tossed into a set of rocks. The torn earth between them began to glow with radiant light until a river of lava oozed to the surface cutting Eve off from D with a massive trench of boiling destruction.
d. Suddenly the trajectory of the ravine broke off in D’s direction until it snaked around him and the lava poured a circular lake around the only piece of rocky turf he stood on with the tree behind him.
e. Cut off from Eve or anyone else for that matter, in the middle of the lava raised a series of white hot steps until at the very center of this lava pool a hilt of a sword glowing white hot rose vertically into position.
f. Like a sadistic twist to the Lady of the Lake in Excalibur, the sword handle presented itself to its chosen wielder…but for D to accept the weapon he would once again have to be reborn.
g. Eve glanced up in horror as she tried to move as quickly as possible to prevent what was about to occur, flames of red cut off her approach however in a massive wall of inferno fury.
h. Behind the wall of flames, D grabbed the boiling hot handle of the sword and withdrew its near indestructible black blade from the pool.
i. D’s body was instantly surrounded in crimson fire as the wall preventing Eve dropped. Eve hurled strong beams of purple light against the cocoon of crimson flames but to no avail as D’s body was restructured within.
j. The sword lost for ages was now revealed, Vengeance had selected its wielder as it restructured D into the perfect fighting machine to wield its unimaginable malevolence. There no turning back for D now…he was chosen and duty bound to serve the forces of darkness.

XIV. D – The Master of The Dark

a. Inside the flaming prison shield D was completely enhanced with highly developed muscles, unsurpassed concentration and complete control over the powers of The Dark. Like his predecessor before he was now the most powerful Dark user on the planet. With that power, he now surpassed Eve’s Master level abilities.
b. As the flames dwindled down D stood with a malicious grin across his lips with blazing red eyes and his sleek muscular form fitted with a obsidian metallic armored shell the likes none have ever seen before emitting a faint blue aura that glowed with the same fire that surrounded the jet black blade of Vengeance clutched firmly in his hand. D was now The Master of The Dark.
c. Eve was frozen with panic as she called out to her mentor and The Ancients wondering what she is to do, knowing full well she would have no chance against D’s newfound might.
d. Channeling the powers of The Dark, D thrust his had forward as the earth tore and splintered in Eve’s direction, forcing her to flee as trees and the bodies of her comrades were engulfed in fire and lava.

XV. Dark vs. Light

a. Eve could not allow herself to lose for she knew if she gave up the fight this time all would be lost. No amount of Light Masters she could train would be able to contend with the might of a Master of the Dark. She knew this from reading the books inside Sanctuary that D did not find. She also knew that until she would be able to find Destiny, she could not become a Master of The Light herself.
b. Eve’s fight desperate attack was a massive ball of purple light but while the energy burst shattered the ground around D’s feet, he stood there with his black locks rippling in the wind, unfazed by the devastation surrounding him because The Dark had erected a shield protecting him from harm.
c. Eve didn’t cease her efforts despite the toll driven on her body as she continued to use everything in her arsenal from lightning to powerful winds and hurling large rocks. None of these placed a dent on D’s armor when they did manage to penetrate his shields. D laughed confidently as he watched this scared white haired rat try to injure him. D was a God now so he believed…he let her exhaust her resources before he chose to unleash his own assault.
d. Eve decided on a new strategy as D began to slowly pace towards her, tightening his grip on Vengeance. Raising her ice blue eyes upward with her white hair flowing in the gusts of wind, she called upon The Light to focus tendrils of energy into one massive bolt of lightning. Snapping her eyes forward surging with purple radiance, the lightning bolt of immense size crackled down and slammed deep into the heart of D’s armor with enough volts to wipe out an entire legion of troops.
e. This attack proved effective as even D could not completely resist such devastation as his body screamed in electrical agony. D was thrown back several feet and Vengeance hurled out of control from his grasp. Eve did not cease her assault as she called upon channels of winds rivaling the brutality of hurricanes to send D’s pulsating purple electrical armored body skidding across the landscape.
f. Trying to gain his baring, D channeled his concentration as he saw his opportunity to hurl himself into the air off a large boulder to his rear. Propelled upward with amazing velocity calling Vengeance to his hand, Eve lost sight of him.
g. Just as quickly, D came screaming down from the heavens with his sword plunging down shortly before he hit the ground with a thunderous shockwave that emanated from the center of Vengeance’s impact.
h. The impact sent layers of dirt scattering in all directions as a giant crater was formed destroying anything in its path, causing Eve to topple off balance while the wave continued to streak further and further out ripping trees from their foundations, toppling castles of stone, mountains of rock, and reducing any buildings in its radius into heaps of busted concrete and limestone. Anyone caught inside the discharge was deafened, crushed, or killed instantly.
i. The spirits of The Fallen were ecstatic with sadistic glee as they watched The Ancient’s champion tossed around like a rag doll. The Ancients meanwhile tried everything they could to muster the control to aid Eve but none of them could locate where Destiny had disappeared to.
j. While Eve was battered and bruised, the spirits of The Ancients had no choice but to relinquish their aid to her while they scanned into the core of Aiemara itself.
k. D drew Vengeance in his hand and approached Eve. Even with her Light powers’ sustaining her injuries, even that was beginning to grow taxed for any normal human would have succumbed to their wounds. Still Eve refused to lose this battle which would decide the worthy ruler of Aiemara.

XVI. Channel of Daggers

a. D continued to torture Eve, picking her apart piece by piece until he was ready to move to more effective measures of pain and humiliation. Nine points of light emitted in a circular pattern as he looked down towards Eve at his feet. These points of light turned into elongated, then jagged forms of red luminance until nine agonizing daggers baring black blades hovered on their axis in midair.
b. This sinister tactic was called Channel of Daggers and when these daggers struck their opponent they caused temporary paralysis into the regions affected. The daggers also would not disappear until they struck either their target or something placed in the way, but they had the ability to seek their victim like a rocket.
c. D hurled his deadly projectiles at Eve just as she flipped her way free of four that slammed into the earth and disappeared. Five of the daggers continued to track her body. Eve evaded them well but D raised a wall of wicked twisted thorns which snagged Eve in place just as the four daggers slammed into her flesh, injecting their deadly effects. The Light you see could not counter nor heal the effects of these daggers.
d. One of the daggers pierced into Eve’s back while two more slammed into her legs and the final two slammed into her shoulders leaving her numb and completely surrendered to the control of D’s wishes.
e. Blood pours from the intrusions as well, leaving Eve weak as her eyes slowly flutter open and closed seeing D take his time approaching her through a hazy field of vision.
f. D prolongs Eve’s agony by tearing out each of the materialized daggers embedded into her body which vanish the moment they are withdrawn.
g. Eve glares defiantly in the eyes of D between screams of agony and barely being able to keep herself conscious with The Light struggling to repair her battered body.
h. D mocks Eve offering her a choice to die quickly or slowly. She rebelliously counters his bravado with words that she wishes to die slowly so she knew what it was like to live knowing this will by her some time.

XVII. Destiny Returns.

a. As D is about to raise Vengeance skyward to strike Eve down, inside his head The Fallen scream in agony as if their very energy was being taken away. Eve blinks in confusion but she sees that behind D the river of lava begins to shift with shimmering, glowing water emitting from the middle of the fiery lake until the lava is completely dissipated into towering columns of steam.
b. D obsessed with seeing the eyes of his prey waits for Eve’s eyes to meet his own before bringing down his sword to impale Eve’s chest.
c. Expelled from the glowing river of blue water is what looks to be a shooting star of pure dazzling light which disappears into the heavens like an angel then begins to descend back to Aiemara’s earth.
d. Inside Eve’s mind she can hear her mentor whisper to her…”We’ve found it. Embrace your destiny.” D is about to strike Eve with his sword but to his horrified surprise his body arches backward as the object from the sky slams clean through his superior black armor. Eve rolls out of the way as D topples forward with a shimmering radiance of pure light…yet flat emitting from his chest.
e. Eve gathers her strength and stands up on weakened limbs observing D’s impaled body at her feet, planting her foot on his back as she grasps the golden handle of Destiny, the sword belonging to the Master of The Light, ripping the shimmering blade from his body.
f. The injuries force Eve to stumble backward but she continues to entrust her fate in the hands of The Ancients as she gets back to one knee then the other, holding the sword aloft in the air as a bolt of lightning strikes the blinding blade.

 XVIII. Arise Eve – Mistress of The Light.

a. Eve’s body is then surrounded in purple flames and dazzling rays of light while D struggles to heal his body from Destiny’s damage. Even as D’s armor begins to mend itself, it is now D who has to worry about what Eve will be when she materializes from the light.
b. Inside the chambers of spinning, swirling light Eve’s body is reformed and enhanced just as D’s was but on a more feminine aspect, fitting her body with glittering gold and white tendrils of armor plating and the purest white clothes.
c. D charges The Dark into a large beam of light like a laser but it fails to crack the power of Eve’s barrier. D runs towards the swirling mass of radiance and swings Vengeance’s obsidian blade into the barrier time and time again but fails to penetrate the shroud as spindles of lightning fire back, forcing him to lose his ground and rethink his strategy.
d. The purple flames began to recede as Eve was revealed in a glistening suit of gold, white, and purple armor. In her hand was Destiny glowing brilliantly with heaven’s light as her purple eyes focused upon the man in black that murdered her family. Her white locks whipped around in gusts of wind and it was clear that the tide was now shifting into her favor.
e. Eve, The Mistress of The Light was now ready to counter the forces of darkness and settle the question of which was the stronger half once and for all.

XIX. The War to End All Wars.

a. Signaling the start of "The Spectral War", D rushes towards Eve with Vengeance in hand as the two iconic blades clash for the first time since the First War. Every soul on Aiemara can hear the echoes of steel and know that this is indeed Armageddon fearing the worst. D and Eve exchange several heated blows with their mystical weapons but neither again can seem to gain the upper hand.
b. Hours pass and still the two battled back and forth pressing and countering an advantage. Both swords could not shatter each other nor pierce each other so neither blade would become dull. The landscape was torn up and rearranged several times as both Masters of their respective powers unleashed monumental feats of Light/Dark based feats between traditional swordsmanship.
c. Finally both had managed to crack and chip their respective armor suits as both were once again left to battle among their mortal shells. With the powers of The Light and The Dark healing and allowing the battle to rage on, both panted in exhaustion from the sheer level of attacks they hurled against one another and the length of their fight.

XX. Armageddon

a. The Fallen were growing impatient with the stalemate and decided to try another more equally devastating strategy that would in the end although with the sacrifice of their champion grant them the victory over the spirits of The Ancients. In exchange giving up their ability to influence or bestow the powers of The Dark directly to another champion, The Fallen would tip the balance of power and store the ability to wield The Dark again by a new generation solely in the sword of Destiny itself.
b. The Fallen whispered into D’s ear to prove his ultimate sacrifice and promised him that if he would give up his life he would one day be reborn to rule once more but by doing so he would also be the most powerful warrior in the all of history by the sheer fact then when he rose again The Light would not be around to stop him.
c. D was perplexed by this offer but he swore an oath to serve the forces of darkness so he agreed to the deal. With D being the strongest of the Dark Wielders/Masters combined with the remaining influential powers of The Fallen, he was granted the ability to destroy an entire planet.
d. This is exactly what D began to do as he stepped away from Eve’s attack and began to exude a blinding, steadily increasing aura of red light. Eve was not yet aware of the tactic D was trying to conjure but she knew she had to find a way to stop him at all costs.
e. D began to focus not on the battlefield and not on Eve but the core of Aiemara itself, siphoning off its geothermal energy little by little until the core became nothing but a hallowed shell cracking Aiemara like a brittle egg, then with his last bit of life he would hurl the debris of Aiemara into the regions of space destroying everything and everyone on its surface along with Eve and Destiny forever.
f. As D’s menacing Dark spell continues to weave itself across the land, suddenly elsewhere all over the globe grand earthquakes rip the earth as plates shift, toppling kingdoms and castles, shattering villages and taking live with each passing moment. Elemental disasters erupt into oceans of lava consuming everything in its path as the balance of energy sustaining Aiemara is disrupted.

XXI. The Sacrifice

a. The Ancients are forced to make a choice. They too must sacrifice all of their influential energy to counter the progression of The Fallen’s plan. In order for Aiemara to be saved Eve would have to also be reborn at another time for if the world of Aiemara were to perish, all would be lost.
b. The choice was The Ancient’s to make and they unearthed a power that The Light possessed so effective and so unbelievably volatile that it could even destroy a Master of the Dark at the cost of their influence to pass on The Light.
c. Eve watched as D’s mind was focused away from the battle as she also drifted her mind away from the battle forcing her self to block out the screams of the people dying from D’s planetary attack. Eve instead focused solely on D’s body and the ruminants of his armor. D was not aware of  this with eyes closed envisioning the heat of Aiemara’s core fading and cooling so sudden that the shift in temperature caused cracks in the core which in turn created more and more volatile earthquakes to plague Aiemara’s surface plates.
d. Purple light encircled D’s body before he realized what was going on until his concentration was suddenly yanked from the core to the feeling of overwhelming exhaustion and the odd sensation of no longer being able to sustain his weight.
e. As D’s eyes flashed open it was in that moment that Eve grabbed him by the wrists and supercharged his body with coursing Light energy that swept through his entire body and in that moment D’s 700+ years of age instantly began to catch up to him, rapidly aging his face and figure until he turned into a skeleton.
f. D’s last vision was Eve’s blazing purple stare watching him as his body turned to dust…D the ruler of worlds and Master of the Dark…was gone.

XXII. Till All Are One

a. Eve dropped to her knees from exhaustion, completely drained and mentally fatigued as the planet continued to deteriorate from D’s influence. Despite Eve’s ability to destroy D in that moment his chain of events was continuing to suck the energy from Aiemara’s core.
b. Eve watched in horror as the world she had loved and fought so hard to protect was falling apart before her very eyes but all was not entirely lost.
c. The Ancients found that in similar fashion to The Fallen if Eve were to sacrifice her energy to reverse the damage D brought to Aiemara’s core by infusing the core with her life energy to replace the energy lost, then Aiemara would be saved from certain destruction. The price is that once again the question of which side was stronger would not be answered and another generation would have to rise to meet and take up the mantles.
d. Eve understood that she had a choice but to choose to watch her children of Aiemara perish, she chose to give up the ultimate price to save mankind. True to her namesake she would be the Mother who would give up everything she had so that her children would live.
e. Stretching her fingertips skyward Eve began to channel all of the powers of The Light she could into a single instant just as D had accomplished, gathering more and more power as The Ancient’s ability to influence the living was drained from them…allowing only communication without physical contact as this building energy consumed Eve’s body into solid light.
f. With her body almost completely converted to a light essence Eve whispers what would be the most historic and legendary words Aiemara would document in their annuals of time. “Remember this day; my final gift to you has lit your darkest hour. Till the day we are reborn it is finished.”

XXIII. Redemption

a. After her words Eve ceased to be human or immoral, she became a beacon of solid light so intense that it rivaled the intensity of a thousand suns. The people of Aiemara heard her voice echo through the sky before it became ablaze with blinding white and purple radiance causing them to look away.
b. During that intense flash Eve’s radiant essence passed beyond the disheveled heaps of stone and layers of rock into the core of Aiemara itself where her light based energy replaced and enhanced the energy D had siphoned away. With her sacrifice the earthquakes ceased and the elemental turmoil ended.
c. The Mistress of The Light was no more and the ashes of The Master of the Dark scattered across the landscape. Aiemara was spared.


With Eve’s sacrifice and both Masters of The Light and Dark deceased the people of Aiemara were saved from certain annihilation. After a few weeks passed those who were loyal to Eve and managed to survive were left in charge of what exactly to do next. The sins that the populace of Aiemara had committed against Eve and The Light Masters were forgiven and in time forgotten, however fear still lingered in the hearts of the nation.

The ability to use The Light and The Dark vanished with D and Eve’s death which left only the two keys lying on the war torn battlefield. Unlike the First War, Vengeance and Destiny were left behind. Thus the opportunity for a new Light/Dark Master to arise was possible but the fear of the results of allowing such an event to occur again left the remaining populace to reach a decision.

The former Light Masters stripped of their power became the new Sages, likewise with the remnants of Dark Masters as well. As unlikely allies both Sages agreed that in order to ensure that events of this nature would never again place the possibility of extinction to Aiemara, two new locations were built.

The Temple of Radiance and The Temple of Shadows were damaged beyond repair but what remained of their contents was transferred to newly constructed Light and Dark Libraries.

Both Sages were allowed to decide the fate of the two swords. Destiny was given to the former Dark Masters while Vengeance was given to the Light Masters. Both secretly hid away the swords in various locations within the Libraries.

Here with the “keys” hidden away, no one on Aiemara would be able to unleash the powers of The Light or The Dark until the swords were found. Unlike the era of D and Eve, both The Fallen and The Ancients could no longer directly bestow the powers of The Light or The Dark to their chosen wielders…the authority to do was locked away inside the swords themselves where only by choice or circumstance would either side be released again to solve the true question of which was truly the stronger half.



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