The INTERNET WIRETAP First Electronic Edition of

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

by Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)

    Electronic Edition by <>
           Released to the public June 1993
NOTE: This is a hypertext formatted version of the Project Gutenberg edition. For more information, check the small print or check out the full ascii text. This document is part of a small, but growing collection of html formatted etexts. (Others may be found in either my home page or John Ockerbloom's indexes by author and title.)

Table of Contents:

  • Preface
  • Chapter I
  • Chapter II
  • Chapter III
  • Chapter IV
  • Chapter V
  • Chapter VI
  • Chapter VII
  • Chapter VIII
  • Chapter IX
  • Chapter X
  • Chapter XI
  • Chapter XII
  • Chapter XIII
  • Chapter XIV
  • Chapter XV
  • Chapter XVI
  • Chapter XVII
  • Chapter XVIII
  • Chapter XIX
  • Chapter XX
  • Chapter XXI
  • Chapter XXII
  • Chapter XXIII
  • Chapter XXIV
  • Chapter XXV
  • Chapter XXVI
  • Chapter XXVII
  • Chapter XXVIII
  • Chapter XXIX
  • Chapter XXX
  • Chapter XXXI
  • Chapter XXXII
  • Chapter XXXIII
  • Chapter XXXIV
  • Chapter XXXV
  • Conclusion
  • Thomas Oughton