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Printing and Mailing - Optional________________________________________________________________________________________
After paying royalties below. Get this ONLY if you cannot print it out yourself.
(After paying performance royalty, your script will be emailed free, so this is probably unnecessary.)
ORDER SCRIPTS _________________________________________________________________________________________
listed in alphabetical order
Select number of performances, then click "Add to Cart".
~ For "Costumes" go to "C". ~
Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll, adapted by J. Jaquish
--Alice Music CDs MAILED_________________________________________________________________________________________
Please allow a few days for 1st Class or Priority shipping.
----First CD - $23 (includes postage to USA)
----Additional CDs: $10 You must buy the "First" one first! Select how many at the PayPal page.
----Postage to countries outside of the USA: $4 or $8
----Professional Quality Poster Art
(a free poster of the Tea Party scene from the original book is included with the script)
This licenses you to use this artwork ONLY with performances of the "Alice in Wonderland" script above, unless you make arrangements with Jeannette Jaquish for other use.
The artwork will not have the obscuring diagonal lettering you see in this low resolution version.
If you choose for us to Create Your Full Poster -- the "Art + your choice of all lettering" -- please send the information via email or phone or by letter or in the Instruction field.
----Additional Variations of Poster Art & Lettering
for t-shirts, advertisements, playbill, etc.
You need to send the lettering information, and preferred format, by email, letter or phone or in the instructions field. -----$85= $25 rent 3 or 4 Alice dresses: small, medium, large, medium-plump; plus $60 deposit.
You pay return shipping. We agree on when you will return them. My shipping cost to you is deducted from your deposit when I return it for costumes returned in good condition. -----$400 Rent Costumes & puppets for Alice (nearly all): $150 plus $100 shipping & $150 deposit.You pay return shipping separate from this transaction.
$150 deposit will be refunded when costumes are returned in reasonable condition.
If shipping from us to you is less than the $100 shipping fee, you will be refunded the difference.
Do not order unless you have made arrangements with Jeannette Jaquish (260 484-5946 Eastern Daylight Time) to determine needs and how long you are renting the costumes.
Costume package does not include all human character shoes unless you ask (shipping for shoes is high), and does not include: tights, socks, and Caterpillar costume. Costumes will arrive wrinkled. You must communicate the size of your actors. To cut your shipping costs, do not request costumes you can easily get yourself.
If you have the skill, please mend any damage you cause, and gently wash costumes before shipping. You are liable for lost or irreparably damaged costumes - you may replace them with an equivalent or pay a fair replacement cost.
Auditioning a Ghost, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, adapted by J. Jaquish
Both versions: Mother as lead or Daughter as lead will be emailed to you.
Auditioning a Ghost-BIG CAST up to 30 actors, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, adapted by J. Jaquish
Mother as lead.
A Campfire Tale, by Scott Rousseau _________________________________________________________________________________________
A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, adapted by J. Jaquish _________________________________________________________________________________________
Cinderellie-Mae, by Scott Rousseau
Collecting All the Species, by J. Jaquish
MUSIC CD is $25 but has not been added to this order form yet. Please email Jeannette Jaquish and ask her to add it on.
Lucy Van Pelt Costume Dress & Bloomers.
Includes shipping to you. You pay shipping to return it. When it is returned in good condition I will refund your $70 deposit. _________________________________________________________________________________________
The Damsel Game, by Jeannette Jaquish _________________________________________________________________________________________
Don't Look in the Lake, by Jeannette Jaquish _________________________________________________________________________________________
Dr. Frankenstreudel's Lemon Fresh Laboratory of Horrors, by Jeannette Jaquish _________________________________________________________________________________________
A Duck's Tale, by Scott Rousseau _________________________________________________________________________________________
Elfin Antics in Santa's Workshop, by Rosemary Snow - includes sheet music
--Elfin Antics Music CDs MAILED
(If you request in the Instructions field, we can try emailing the tracks, but often they don't go through.)
----First CD - $23 (includes postage to USA)
----Additional CDs: $10 You must buy the "First" one first! Select how many at the PayPal page.
----Postage to countries outside of the USA: $4 or $8
Euthanasia Day at the Children's Shelter, by Linda Dunn & Jeannette Jaquish _________________________________________________________________________________________
Please look for "Even Talking Frogs Forget their Lines" Scene Books under "T" for Talking Frogs.
NOTE: "The Frog Prince and the Princess Brat" is NOT the same as "The Frog Prince and the Princess Brats, Jr.", and the Jr. script has a non-musical and musical version.
#1:The Frog Prince and the Princess Brat~ a musical, by Jeannette Jaquish
Medium difficulty and tech.
You get all three lengths: 20min.= 5 or 6 actors, 45min.= 7 or 8 actors, 75 min.= 13 or 14 actors.
--Music CD for Frog Prince -- MAILED (NOT for the Jr. version)
----First CD - $23 (includes postage within USA)
----Additional CDs: $10 You must buy the "First" one first! Select how many at the PayPal page.
----Postage to countries outside of the USA: $4 or $8
- - -
#2:The Frog Prince and the Princess Brats, Jr., by Jeannette Jaquish
Musical or Non-Musical versions.
--Music CD Frog Prince Jr. The Musical - Mailed
(The non-musical Frog Prince Jr. does not need this CD unless you want to use the mood music)
----First CD - $30 (includes postage within USA)
----Additional CDs: $10 You must buy the "First" one first! Select how many at the PayPal page.
----Postage to countries outside of the USA: $4 or $8
Hansel & Gretel and the Falling Christmas Elves, by Jeannette Jaquish
Harry Potter and the Obnoxious Voice, a spoof by J. Jaquish
When asked, comment/tell the range of cast size and show length, AND original crispy or mild language (no death threats or creepiness) for instance "20 to 25 actors, 45 to 60 minutes, original crispy."
First Music CD: $23 ----Additional CDs: $10 You must buy the "First" one first! Select how many at the PayPal page.
----Postage to countries outside of the USA: $4 or $8
Kiss the Brown Bunny Puppets
The Folkmanis Cockroach Puppet - Although about 20 years old, this puppet is barely used and in excellent condition. It goes with the free script "Kiss the Brown Bunny" in which he flips up his wings to look like bunny ears to lure kisses. I treasure this puppet, so please take care of it during your rental, store it safely between performances and seal it back in its box and ship it back with the postmark on time. You pay for return shipping.
Please do not let children play with it unsupervised.
I will refund your payment minus $5 per week plus about $7 for postage.
Little Red Riding Hood and the Bad Idea Shortcut, adapted by Jeannette Jaquish>
The NON-Musical:
The Musical:
$12 - MUSIC CD for Little Red Riding Hood (includes shipping)
----POSTAGE to countries OUTSIDE of the USA: $4 or $8
Lost Hearts, by M.R. James, adapted by J. Jaquish _________________________________________________________________________________________
"Miracle on Elf Street" by Scott F. Rousseau
"Lucky the Leprechaun" is under "W" for "Who Framed Lucky the Leprechaun?"
Pinocchio, adapted by Jeannette Jaquish, from the original by Carlo Collodi
Music CD for Pinocchio - $23, shipping included.
----Postage to countries outside of the USA: $4 or $8
Pippsi Longknickers, by Astrid Lindgren, adapted by J. Jaquish
For "Red Riding Hood", please go to "Little Red Riding Hood".
Reindeer #3 is Squeaking
Slipperzzz! Cobb and the Twelve Dancing Princesses
First Music CD $20 ----Additional CDs: $10 You must buy the "First" one first! Select how many at the PayPal page.
SNAFU in Santa's Workshop, by Jeannette Jaquish _________________________________________________________________________________________
Spoiled Baloney Man, by Jeannette Jaquish _________________________________________________________________________________________
Strange Time at the Science Fair, by Tom & Zephyr Jaquish _________________________________________________________________________________________
Talking Frogs Scene Books as PDFs on a CD
CDs are ready to download into a computer and read or print out.
In a good looking sturdy plastic case measuring 5"x8" closed, with a color cover with title and cover art from all three books and table of contents list.
$10 Each CD in a case, US postage included. (Outside US postage $4 extra)
$13 Each CD Gift wrapped with a note, postage included.
--You will select how many you want at the "Checkout" Page before paying.--
----Postage to countries outside of the USA: $4 or $8
For Twelve Dancing Princesses, go to S for Slipperzzzz!
The Twelve Days of Christmas - A Spoof, by Rhiannon Burch
When Santa's Away . . . / Reindeer #3 is Squeaking! First Music CD $20
----Additional CDs: $10 You must buy the "First" one first! Select how many at the PayPal page.
Or you can order just ONE script:
Reindeer #3 is Squeaking ---
When Santa's Away
Who Framed Lucky the Leprechaun? by Jeannette Jaquish _________________________________________________________________________________________
The Wizard of Oz, by Frank L. Baum, adapted by J. Jaquish
Complex Version:
- - - Just the Munchkin Scene.
---Music CD for Munchkin scene.
Simplified - Shazaam! Wizard of Oz version - Same story, just simplified.
MUSIC 3-CD SET________________________________________________________________________________________
(Act 1, Act 2, and a Rehearsal CD with just songs + versions with voice)
----First 3-CD set - $45 (includes postage inside USA) ----Additional 3-CD sets: $20 You must buy the "First" 3-CD Set first!
----Additional Single CDs: $10. You must buy the "First" 3-CD Set first!
Select how many at the PayPal page. Be sure to select WHICH CD you want, below.
Which CD?
Act 1, Act 2 or Rehearsal CD?
----If postage or shipping was not included: Postage to countries outside of the USA: $4 or $8
You Don't Bring Me Flowers Anymore, by Jeannette Jaquish