You walk in through the ground tunnel to Aneris Weyr. You have come as part as a tithe train. You were looking for an excuse to come visit your friend Amalthia. She had stood on the Sands since you had last seen her and you wanted to see how she faired.
You figure she'll be in the lower caverns and head in that direction. As you walk you look around at Aneris. There are more dragons now than when you were last here. Looking toward the hunting grounds you spot one of the rare white dragons eating. Intrigued you decide to go there instead.
You jog quickly to the hunting grounds not wanting to miss this opportunity. When you reach the platform you are surprised to find Amalthia watching the white.
"Hello," you say to your friend.
Amalthia turns around and smiles at you. You notice that she isn't keeping her scar covered anymore. "How are you doing? Did you come to visit?"
"Of course I did. I told you I'd be back to check on you. Whose white is that feeding out there?"
A twinkle enters Amalthia's blue eyes and a wide grin spreads across her face. "That's my white Seryth. Isn't she beautiful?"
"She's your white?!"
"Yeah. She's a weyrling now, but I have pictures of her as a hatchling. She says she's almost done eating, and she wants to meet you."
"Your white dragon wants to meet me," you stutter.
"Yes. Seryth is very friendly, and I told her all about you. Plus she's quite the flirt, so she likes to meet all the people. She might think your a dragonrider and wants to check out your dragon."
"I do not. I just want to meet him. He is your friend. There are lots of other dragons here to flirt with."
The two of you have a lovely afternoon discussing the hatching and weyrlife. Then you reluctantly leave and tell her you'll be back soon.
Amalthia paced up and down in front of her lifemate's couch. Seryth had gotten much larger since the hatching though she was still smaller than a green, but that wasn't the problem. The white dragon had been acting rather strange lately. She was more cranky and demanding not to mention her hide had begun to take on almost a diamond glow. Amalthia knew what this meant. Seryth was going to fly soon.
Amalthia sighed. She knew this was inevitable and there were some very nice guys at Talor Cliff Weyr. Seryth had insisted that she fly at her birth weyr, and her rider saw no reason to argue about. They had gone yesterday to inform Weyrwoman Falora of the white's impending mating flight. Now there was nothing she could do but wait, and that was the hardest part of all.
They had been at Talor Cliff for a sevenday now in a temporary weyr that they had been assigned until after the flight and clutching. Amalthia was trying to get used to it, but was having a very hard time. Most of it had to do with Seryth's emotions, but a lot of it came from her own worries about the flight itself.
She'd been trained like all other female riders, but nothing could ever quite prepare you for that moment when your dragon first rose.
The whiterider finally gave up her pacing and decided that it would be better to mimic her dragon and take a nice long nap.
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