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Candari and Holarith

You walk into a dimly lit weyr at Aneris. It's smaller than most in the cliff, and you are surprised to find that someone and her dragon actually live here.

You look around and see the simple furnishings. A small rush bed with a wooden frame sits in one corner of the cave. A small table and two chairs occupy a small space in the middle. You head toward the ledge to see the dragon of the rider who can live in such a small weyr.

You push the green curtain back and are surprised to see a small white dragon laying on the dragon couch. You approach the dainty creature as she sleeps not getting too close. You come just near enough to see an odd marking on the tip of her wings. It looks like a strange green leaf and some red berries.

Christmas Holarith

"I see you've found Holarith," a light feminine voice says from behind you.

You whirl around startled to face the dragon's rider. Before you is a small woman. She's on 5'2 and is very thin just perfect for her small dragon. She's pale with red hair and brown eyes.

"I am sorry," you begin in a rush.

"Don't be. You didn't wake her up, and you didn't know where to find me. It's perfectly okay. My name is Candari, and Holarith is my dragon."

"Hello. I am sure you get this a lot, but what is that marking on her wingtip?"

"I have been asked a lot. It is a birthmark that signifies her as one of the rare Christmas dragons from Istabitha's Weyr," Candari says with an understanding smile.

"Wow," you say with your mouth hanging open. "What's Christmas?"

"It's an ancient holiday that was celebrated around winter solstice."

"Oh okay. How many clutch mates does she have?"

"Just five. No one knows who the parents were either. I was just lucky enough to have been searched on the day that they hatched. I am from a nearby hold, so I was close at hand. It was the most incredible experience of my life, and now Holarith is an adult."

"Will she fly," you ask cautiously.

"I don't know. I am glad to have met you, but I still have errands to run for Weyrwoman Rhiannon. I'll see you later. Come visit us again," Candari says cheerfully then rouses her sleeping dragon to take care of some weyr business.

Istabitha's Weyr

Aneris Weyr

Angel's Web Graphics