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Turn to the FUNNY side of the Force...

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Start Wars EmpBitesBk ReRun w/a
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The News Artwork TEBB Cover

A Wee Blurb... Thank you for visiting my site! It is about Start Wars, my Star Wars Parody Comic. I love Star Wars, and wondered if I could make a genuinely amusing parody of it. It took six months to get my ideas together, and several attempts at drawing it, but the final comic was a success. So then came The Empire Bites Back...

This website is to show off my work (it's a lot of work making these comics!) and tell a little bit about the thinking behind them, and of course to keep everyone up-to-date with the new developments.

Please come back soon! E-mail your comments to

This WebSite Cunningly Created by Bob Vader

All Start Wars images and characters are © Robert C. Ross (May '99, Nov.'99,Jan. 2000)

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Star Wars, Cartoons, Comics, Parodies