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Star Trek role play and simulaiton

Space, The Final Frontier...

Star Trek IV: The Undiscovered Country left us only with questions. What happened at the Khitomer Peace Accords? Who replaced the Enterprise crew after the original was decommisioned? And foremost on my mind, what happened to Kirk and Spock?

This simulation will help answer those questions. You can create a character, guide him or her through these historic times, and decide Starfleet history as you go. The only question now is, are you ready to join the role play?

The role play takes place just after Star Trek IV. Kirk and the rest of the beloved Enterpise crew had been decommisioned, and the ship needs to be crewed with new personnel. The Khtiomer Peace Talks have just gotten underway, and history will be made with Klingon relations. The Federation needs you; will you dissapoint Starfleet, or will you gladly make history along with the rest of the current members in the role play?

To role play plot and timeline.

To view an official application to join the role play.

To see a list of positions and duty fields available.

To look at the role play library and archive

To see some great Star Trek links.