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Zyrain Silverleaf
Mithaniel Marr Server


    Hello!  I am sorry to say that fate does smile upon you today for you have stumbled upon my lame excuse for a web site.  Anyways, this is a dummy site about me, William Liu.  I currently attend Reedley High School in Reedley, California.  I have an extensive knowledge in computer hardware and software.  I built my first computer on June 21, 1998.  I know how to program in C++, javascript, html, dhtml, and java.  (Means I am certified computer nerd :))  I am a good challenge to anyone at almost any computer game.  My favorite game is Everquest, an online fantasy role playing game.  (The picture above is my character, Zyrain Silverleaf, a wood elf ranger)  My favorite music that I listen to is J-Pop.  (Favorite Artist is Aikawa Nanase)  Anyhoo, enough typing.  I will probably never update this site so don't bother to check :)  Bye!