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Welcome to SDS (Seven Deadly Sins), we are a Starcraft Clan, that leaders have been named by the Seven Deadly Sins; Greed, Lust, Gluttony, Envy, Pride, Sloth and Wrath.

To join all you have to do is e-mail us, here, please see the rules and the 'join' page before joining, it's 100% free, and all you have to do is meet the requirments listed in the rules section. Once you have joined and been accepted you must follow all the rules.

How we work is there 7 leaders for the entire clan. You can apply to be a leader, but only when their are positions avaliable.. There should be no competion between clan members as we are all one clan. This can be changed ijust for practise purposes.

Any comments, ideas, suggestions or questions go to
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