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Next Generation Series

Captain Picard was the captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise D and is
the captain of the Enterprise E. He is the only captain
so far that has an android in his crew.
Due to an incident early in his life he now has a mechanical heart.
Troi is the counselor onboard the Enterprise.
Her species has a telecapathic capability for "reading" emotions and thoughts.
The ability has helped the crew many times.
Worf is the Security Officer onboard the Enterprise.
Jordi La Forge is the chief engineer on the>
Dr.Crusher is the chief medical officer onboard the Enterprise.
Data is the science officer on the Enterprise. Data is an android with a posatronic net for a brain. He has always strived to be more human.
Riker is the First officer on the Enterprise and always is left in command when the captain is not onboard. He has a clone that was created by a transporter accident.