Here's a place to track whatever ratings information
is available for Power Rangers on Nickelodeon.
Ratings info derived from TV By the Numbers and Son of the Bronx.
RATING: Pct. of all households. SHARE: Pct. of households using TV
KIDS 6-11: One ratings point represents 247,600 viewers in that age group.
POWER RANGERS SUPER MEGAFORCE Saturdays (Total viewers - in millions) (Number in red is series high)
(Number in grey-shaded box is Saturday series low) |
2/8/14 1 pm "The Messenger" (r) (LAST PRM RERUN) 1.468 | 2/15 Noon "Super Megaforce" (PRSM PREMIERE) 2.142 |
2/22 Noon "Earth Fights Back" 1.896 | 3/1 Noon "Blue Saber Saga" 1.811 |
3/8 Noon "A Lion's Alliance" 2.049 | 3/15 Noon "Samurai Surprise" 2.239 |
3/22 Noon "Spirit of the Tiger" 1.721 | 3/29 Noon pre-empted (KCA day) |
4/5 Noon "Silver Lining, I" 1.641 | 4/12 Noon "Silver Lining, II" 1.465 |
4/19 Noon "Earth Fights Back" (r) 1.273 | 4/26 Noon "A Lion's Alliance" (r) 1.759 |
5/3 Noon "Spirit of the Tiger" (r) 1.332 | 5/10 Noon "Super Megaforce" (r) 1.158 |
8/30 Noon "Power of Six" 1.497 | 9/6 Noon "The Perfect Storm" 1.521 |
9/13 Noon "Love is In the Air" 1.117 | (9/20 pre-empted) 9/27 Noon "United As One" 1.343 |
10/4 Noon "Grass is Always Greener ..." 1.525 | 10/11 Noon "In the Driver's Seat" 1.557 |
10/18 Noon "All Hail Prince Vekar" 1.407 | 10/25 Noon "Vrak is Back, I" 1.374 |
11/1 Noon "Vrak is Back, II" 1.588 | 11/8 Noon "Emperor Mavro" 1.101 |
11/15 Noon "The Wrath" 1.763 | 11/22 Noon "Legendary Battle" 1.894 |
Overall avg. viewers: 1.258 million |
Overall Saturday avg. viewers: 1.500 million |
Sat. PRM avg. viewers: 1.457 million | Sat. PRSM avg. viewers: 1.589 million |
Premieres avg.: 1.586 million PRM: 1.545 million PRSM: 1.631 million | Sat. rerun avg.: 1.387 million PRM: 1.388 million PRSM: 1.381 million | Sunday avg.: 1.036 million PRM: 1.078 million PRSM: 951,000 |
(Updated: 12/2/14) Shows how fickle these numbers are. After posting a four-years-on-Nick-low of 1.101 million, the final two episodes leap up to a pair of post-hiatus highs. The finale was fourth-best of the 20 PRSM episodes and was better than all but one of the 22 PRM episodes of 2013. Makes you still stop and wonder how well it could have done had it been better scheduled to capitalize on the immense buzz of last year, when it REALLY WAS the 20th anniversary of the franchise.
When Nick finally got around to showing it, the bloom was long off the legendary rose. The concluding episodes had been shown in at least three foreign countries, encodes were available for those who really wanted to see it and the attention of the fandom had clearly moved on to Dino Charge.
Got the last two numbers, which will be the end of updates to this page. Sure, I could track the two months or so of PRSM reruns during the lull before PRDC starts, but the current state of numbers-reporting suggests a premieres-only focus. So, I'll concentrate on other sections until then. The Sunday morning encore on Nick drew an on-average 944,000 viewers. But my curiosity was much more interested in how well the extended finale presentation on Monday night did on Nicktoons. And it was about what you'd think it would be on THAT channel at THAT time -- 197,000. Can't really envision it getting another showing, mainly because of the 75 minutes it would need. Maybe it comes out as part of the DVD release.
The graph below is now a comparison of the week-to-week numbers for the premieres of 2013's Megaforce vs. what we're seeing now with Super Megaforce. The red and pink lines are for PRSM, and the purple diamonds and yellow line are for PRM.
I COULD revive the previous graph but I feel the absence of 12-16 weeks of info would create a not-truly-reflective batch of information. So, we go with what we have.

Another bout of curiosity has caused me to come up with another chart -- the 10 most-watched and 10 least-watched new episodes since PR moved to Nick. You'll notice a trend.
 | May 14, 2011 Samurai - ep 13 "The Blue & the Gold" 3.718 | Nov. 8, 2014 Super Megaforce - ep 18 "Emperor Mavro" 1.101 |
 | June 4, 2011 Samurai - ep 16 "Boxed In" 3.275 | Sept. 13, 2014 Super Megaforce - ep 11 "Love is in the Air" 1.117 |
 | April 30, 2011 Samurai - ep 11 "Unexpected Arrival" 3.184 | Sept. 14, 2013 Megaforce - ep 11 "Ultra Power" 1.206 |
 | May 21, 2011 Samurai - ep 14 "Team Spirit" 3.151 | Oct. 13, 2012 Super Samurai - ep 14 "A Crack in the World" 1.226 |
 | May 28, 2011 Samurai - ep 15 "The Tengen Gate" 3.123 | Oct. 5, 2013 Megaforce - ep 13 "Dream Snatcher" 1.240 |
 | Feb. 13, 2011 Samurai - ep 2 "Deal With a Nighlok" 3.115 | Oct. 26, 2013 Megaforce - ep 15 "The Human Factor" 1.258 |
 | March 6, 2011 Samurai - ep 5 "A Fish Out of Water" 2.986 | Sept. 28, 2013 Megaforce - ep 12 "Last Laugh" 1.324 |
 | May 7, 2011 Samurai - ep 12 "Room For One More" 2.919 | Nov. 16, 2013 Megaforce - ep 18 "The Human Condition" 1.343 |
 | Feb. 20, 2011 Samurai - ep 3 "Day Off" 2.890 | Sept. 27, 2014 Super Megaforce - ep 12 "United As One" 1.343 |
  | Feb. 27, 2011 Samurai - ep 4 "Sticks and Stones" 2.859 | Oct. 25, 2014 Super Megaforce - ep 16 "Vrak is Back, I" 1.374 |
I've added the premieres-only audience averages here so I don't have to keep refiguring them. These show how toxic the massive summer hiatus has been each year to viewership. Look at how the average drops each time the new episodes resume in the fall. (Percentage of each year's erosion in red)
(Total viewership averages for new episodes)
Feb-Jun 2011 (PRS-1): 2.936 million viewers
Oct-Dec 2011 (PRS-2): 2.159 million (-26.5%)
Feb-May 2012 (PRSS-1): 2.034 million viewers
Oct-Dec 2012 (PRSS-2): 1.675 million (-17.6%)
Feb-Apr 2013 (PRM-1): 1.690 million viewers
Sep-Dec 2013 (PRM-2): 1.445 million (-14.5%)
Feb-Apr 2014 (PRSM-1): 1.867 million viewers
Sep-Nov 2014 (PRSM-2): 1.474 million (-21.0%)
Here is the archive of previous series and ratings info. For reference's sake, if nothing else:
(PRLG average: 0.67 rating / 3.67 share)
(PRWF average: 1.38 rating / 6.46 share)
(PRNS average: 1.42 / 6.86)
(PRDT average: 0.93 / 4.78)
(PRSPD average: 0.99 / 4.89)
(PRMF average: 0.96 / 4.64)
(PROO average: 0.70 / 3.55)
(PRJF average: 0.60 / 3.07)
(PRRPM average: 0.53 / 2.82)
(MMv2 average: 0.47 / 2.26)
(PRSS average: 2.33 / 11.50)
(PRS average: 3.10 / 14.46)
TOON DISNEY (Saturday mornings)
(PRMF average: 0.45 / 1.81)
(PROO average: 0.54 / 2.42)
(PRJF average: 0.56 / 2.97)
ABC FAMILY (Saturday mornings)
(PRWF average: 0.95 rating / 4.67 share)
(PRNS average: 1.17 rating / 5.86 share)
(PRDT average: 1.05 of 11 reported)
(PRSPD average: 0.71 rating / 3.33 share)
(SPD new eps only: 0.75 / 3.50)