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a challenge for you!!! - Dr. Mengale
Dr. Mengale awoke quite abruptly, she had been celebrating continuously for a week now, her first match was a success and she was ready for her next.
"the question is though, who shall be my next victim?...i dont want a death match just yet, but I need more battles" a smile crept slyly over her face "it pleases the master" she closed her eyes and seductively felt her tight figure at the mere mention of the master "but back to buissness" she started as she grabbed at the programme listing all the fighters, black dawg? Been there done that!" she joked "Neamo? no hes a little too the moment, its funny he never got that bottle I sent him hmmm, I wonder where that went? anyway ummm maybe...aha I dispise trolls so my next battle shall be against a troll but which one??? Lug, Candoure or Kromagg?" with the knowlege that Candoure had already been beaten and he wasnt much of a challenge she flipped a coin to decide, Tails lug, heads Krommagg", as the coin spun in the air thoughts of her champion status began running through her mind, this girl wanted power.
The coin landed, "there we are, now to fill out this form let me see my name...Dr. Mengale, wishes to battle the one known as Lug, arrange it please,. thank u so very much. within the hour the request was delivered and training had started.

Candours End - Neamo
The pair talked though the night and every now and again Candour would wince at the tales from Neamo's time in captivity. The entire story that lasted more then a week was told in a matter of hours. As the great Orb of light, known as the sun took its rightful place in the sky, the two companions finished off the tales by imitating Kikistose, much to the delight of Virtue, who was back to his excitable self. After the laughter had died down they left the cave.

Candour: Once again I must thank you

Neamo: There's really no need, honestly. I'm glad to see your well after that battle, what will you do now?

Candour: I have realised through defeat that I'm not ready for such a competition.

Neamo's face dropped, and his fears were answered when he saw the small goblins possessions packed up and ready to be loaded onto Virtue.

Neamo: What? You're not giving up after one defeat surely

This fell on deaf ears as a nod from Candour answered the rogue's question. Neamo was silent; he couldn't let him do this

Candour: Well Maybe 'giving up' is too harsh, I'm going to return home to my Village and Train hard in the art of fighting, and then when I am ready I will return.

Neamo's head hang low, and it didn't wobble to and throw, He was truly gutted by this news

Candour: I've realised that to make it in these games I'm going to have to work. My magic is progressing nicely but physically I'm not going to win and neither will Virtue.

He gestured towards his loyal steed, as his mind raced back to the torture the large yet very young Hagit had obtained whilst protecting his rider. Neamo understood all to well.

Neamo: That is exactly why I fight alone.

Candour smiled politely. Neamo reached into the pocket of his torn jeans and fished out a piece of paper.

Neamo: If you ever need my help, you'll find me here.

Candour took the paper and smiled again, then after an uncomfortable silence the pair shared a trusting embrace.

Neamo: You be sure to find me when you return ok?

This was followed by another embrace and after a moment Candour had jumped into the saddle of his Radish shaped steed and was gone in the direction of his homeland that he hadn't seen for many weeks now. Neamo watched until he could see no more then a cloud of smoke, a momentous reminder of the speedy Hagit and his curious Rider. Something told Neamo, that he wouldn't return. A small tear formed in his eye and gradually rolled down his tired cheek.

"Goodbye…My new friend"

A new friend and an old enemy - Neamo
That day was spent performing all sorts of tasks in the name of medicine. Thermometers and such were inserted into every one of Neamo's oraphises. Neamo then had to undertake a number of agility and stamina tests, before the good Dr. Vantive, who Neamo was beginning to rapidly hate, decided that he was worthy of the title 'champion' and left. As soon as the door shut so did Neamo's eyes.

What seemed like minutes later, a cry rang out that woke Neamo suddenly

Neamo: Will I ever get any rest? Oh well.

He rose to his feet and after grabbing his neglected penknife left the flat. The night outside was silent although the air felt alive. Neamo stood for a moment and breathed deep; another cry rang out, closer this time. Neamo ran in its direction. On his arrival see spotted a familiar face.

Neamo: That's that Goblin, who was battling Sketz

Sure enough his guess was right and soon he spotted another Familiar face, and he didn't need to guess at this one

Neamo: Kikistose!

Candour: Get the Hell away from me

This didn't seem to keep the foul werewolf away

Kikistose: Now don't be like that; we just want to discuss dinner plans with you.

Kikistose laughed and started to approach the Goblin, who had retreated to his knees and held his gruesome head in concentration

Neamo: What's he doing? He asked quietly from his hidden spot behind a bush

Then his reasons became known, as the mighty Wolf approached he was then flung through the air and onto the floor. He leapt back up though almost instantly.

Kikistose: Oh you want to play with magic do you? Well it's a good job I bought along some friends

There was a stillness, Neamo looked around for signs of movement then realised, by using his keen sense of smell that he had fallen victim to the cliché Punch and Judy line 'He's behind you' as the red headed rouge looked round his adolescent face collided with a huge trolls foot. Neamo was sent flying and landed at the feet of Kikistose.

Kikistose: well what have we here? Step aside you will be dessert

De'ja vu, one mighty swing sent Neamo soaring into the trees.

Kikistose: Now where were we, oh yes you like your magic don't you? Pity it doesn't work on these gentlemen, get him now

Instantly the Trolls obeyed and were all ready to rip apart the little Goblin, who was still trying to cast a spell on them be it all in vain, when a noise stopped them all in there tracks. A howl?

Kikistose: this is getting interesting.

Within moments all that could be seen was a shot of red fur as the punch bag from moments ago leapt from the trees and onto the biggest of the trolls, but the biggest surprise was yet to come. When Neamo, moments ago almost unconscious, paused due to the trolls untimely death, Kikistose's mind raced back to that night he was to christen those children into the kingdom of Lycanthrope, his interested face turned to that of rage.

Kikistose: YOU!!!!!            

The trolls, who weren't the brightest of species, did realise that this was gonna get nasty and hastily retreated into the trees. All except Candour, who was in a state of shock, but nonetheless concentrated on keeping Kikistose at bay through his powerful magic. Again a bolt of magic sent 'the worst of the worst' flying. Not a word was exchanged but both Neamo and the Sage of Gork knew this was there chance of a get away and followed the example of the brainless trolls.

An hour or so past, the pair were out of Danger and had arrived at the abode of the brave little Goblin.

Candour: Thank you, I don't know what I would have done if it wasn't for you.

Neamo: No please, I'm just glad to meet you at last I saw you battle Sketz last week, Candour isn't it?

Candour: Yes, Candour Sage of Gork. I'm sorry I have no Idea, who you are.

Neamo: I am Neamo, umm Sage of Onion, he replied with a slight, but unfunny Joke.

Candour: Neamo? How did you escape from the praetorians?

Neamo: Well it's a long and complicated story

Replied the rogue again as he indicated towards the Goblins cave

Candour: Oh yes by all means, please follow me

And as the air quietened and the night became still the new friends retreated for the night into the lowly cave.

The Blurred Line - Abbadon
Abbadon's eyes darted from side to side, searching for the familiar red hair of the one he had come to know as Neamo. His wings carried him faster and faster onthe currents of the wind. He felt angry. He felt like a failure for not rescuing his friend, when he had promised to do so. He felt, more than anything else, betrayed. The werewolf was fighting for the Empire. Fighting for, in Abbadon's mind, General Exvariotte. Abbadon had forgotten any other figure of the Empire. Xander Exvariotte WAS the Empire.

~He had to.~

"Shut up."

~You like that phrase.~

"Fuck you."

~Oooh! That's a new one.~

"What would have happened if he hadn't fought for them? What, he would have died? A petty price for integrity." Abbadon's voice was spiteful and angry.

~That's a very cruel thing to say. I'm ashamed of you.~

But Abbadon didn't care. His anger had overcome him. His eyes had started to seep etherial green mist. His hands were clenched tightly.

~Why don't you go to the Devil's Arena? Get out some aggression?~

Abbadon kept flying. "Because if I fight anyone right now, I'll kill them. The blood that's already on my hands is enough torment, thank you."

The Guide sighed deeply. Abbadon felt a shiver go down his spine as the presence of the Guide faded, only to reappear later. Like Abbadon gave a damn. The voice had only caused him pain. He didn't want help. He didn't need it. He was going to take on the Empire himself, or again die trying. But right now he had to find Neamo. He had to speak with him.


The day after the night before - Neamo
As Neamo arose the next morning, fully aware of his familiar surroundings a strong scent wafted up his nose, "what the…" came his cry, this was followed closely by a belt of vomiting, when this ceased Neamo walked into his living room tracing the smell, "Oh my god" came the cry again as his eyes fell droopily onto the now rotting corpses of the trolls slain on the morning of his fist fight. After more Vomiting and cleaning the bodies had been disposed of, "What a week" he began miserably "captured before my first punch, joined the one organisation I'm trying to destroy and had to clear up Troll flesh, and I cant think what will get rid of that blood stain in the carpet" as his moaning ceased and his memory worked on which of the numerous cleaning products, might vanquish this stain a nock came at the door "who can that be?" he asked himself as he peered cautiously through the peephole. On the other side of the door stood a man, who seemed impatient as another knock rang out. As he waited this visitor slicked back all the three hairs on his pointed head, and brushed some lint from his charcoal suit, I better wait a moment and see what he wants, thought the suspicious and very weakened Neamo, "a moment" past and the unwelcome visitor took his note book and reached inside his blazer for a pen, indivertibly revealing a familiar symbol, which Neamo knew well a gold encircled rose, the symbol of Lady Carrabell, instantly the door flew open and the two came face to face,

Man: Ahh hello there, I didn't think you were in

And before Neamo could even think of an answer the man entered the flat and headed for the table

Man: Well, I knew you were in but I didn't think you'd be awake, I heard you took quite a beating whilst in the cell, but here you are so are we ready to go then?

Again before Neamo could answer the man continued

Man: Where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself, Dr. Vantive

And he flashed his Id, so quickly in fact Neamo struggled to see it

Man: Ooh I see you took quite a knock to the jaw there, ooh tut tut tut, I expect that was that Reado wasn't it? Well don't get me wrong he's a good warrior but you see I don't believe in his methods, once he was…

Realising that he had said to much and that Neamo was in a state of shock the Doctor stopped, waited a moment then in a very different tone began speaking in such a fashion Neamo guessed he was reciting a letter he had received

Man: I lady Carrabell, Governess of the North. Wish you Dr. Vantive to visit the one known as…

Then he paused and looked questionably at Neamo, who recovering quickly from shock answered

Neamo: Neamo

Man: Neamo, and tend to all injuries etc as well as carrying out a full fitness examination, I wish my champion to be in top condition for the upcoming battles,

Then going back to his usual tone the man asked

Man: do you understand?

But was only answered by a blank vacant look.

Aceptance - Neamo
Neamo starred down at the badge, he knew exactly what it was. It was the symbol of a chosen Champion, She wants me to fight for her, he thought with a sense of realisation, she must be mad I would sooner die then fight for a follower of that shit Dahaka Typhus, but on the other hand, his mind argued, this would be a brilliant way to get even with that bastard Reado as well as getting free from this hell. Neamo's decision was made in but a few seconds, although to this tired fighter it seemed an eternity, slowly he held out his weak, empty hand and clutch the badge, and despite the lack of energy "I will be your champion" escaped from his dry, bleeding lips. A smile of satisfaction crawled along Lady Carabell's pale, but beautiful face and with a nod of the head to signal that the prisoner is to be freed from his shackles; she turned and disappeared into the shadow from whence she came.

I am the champion of what I despise, thought the tired mind of the newly released warrior, who was being taken by armoured carriage back to his lodgings. I will be expected to win every battle now, I better get some training in, "but first I do believe I owe some troll a match" he closed his eyes and began to dream of long ago, when things were simple and fighting was unnecessary, but in every image his brain conjured up, Lady Carrabella's eyes watched over him and Neamo knew that this was a premonition of things to come

A Proposition - Lady Carabell
Tap, tap, tap. The maddening rhythm echoes throughout the concrete corridor as the polished steel barrel repeatedly raps the rough surface of the wall. Lazily the maroon suited man reclines as best he can in the uncomfortable uniform as he absentmindedly swings his weapon in those irritating arcs. The single light attached to the ceiling casts a sickly yellow glow upon the Imperial symbol affixed to the man’s shirt and also glints irritatingly off the pure silver bars sealing off the shadowy cell before him.

The near quite of the small dungeon is suddenly shattered as the opening of a massive door snaps the guard back to full attention. The rhythmic tapping of the gun barrel is soon replaced by the clatter of hard boots in a steady march down the corridor.

After what seems like an eternity, the noisome individual steps into the faint circle of yellowish light and reveals itself to be yet another maroon clad Praetorian. He eyes the guardian of the cell with steely stare but makes no indication of speaking. With a slight salute the guard steps from the corridor allowing his superior to pass and nearly shouting in surprise when yet another figure steps from the shadows.

Without a sound, a startlingly beautiful pale skinned redhead gracefully steps past the guard, her elaborate dress brushing against his legs. Following closely behind her escort, the woman slowly approaches the silver bars and runs her gold tipped staff across them filling the air with yet another irritating noise. Even the Praetorian start in surprise at the woman’s sudden action.

But the real action occurs inside the confines of the cell as the prisoner within darts into the light and collides with the bars forcing the woman back a step. Both Praetorian leap into action snapping weapons up and towards the prisoner. The effort is wasted however as the silver metal sends a wave of pain into the man and forces him to his knees.

Waiting for the man to regain his composure, the Woman slips the end of her scepter between the bars to rest against the man’s lips.

“You needn’t speak yet,” she says in a silky smooth voice, “I have not ventured into this near-Hell for your conversational skills.” For a moment it seems he will ignore her command but is cut short with renewed pressure from the scepter.

When she is satisfied with his silence, she removes the scepter from his face and steps back from the cell.

“I am Lady Carabell Governess of the North and Queen of the Night. And I come her today in search of Neamo.” A slight pause, and then she continues with her address.

“Your actions have created quite a stir within the Imperial”. Much of it negative, as you can plainly see. But understand that not all found displeasure in your brash actions. Oh it was certainly foolish and far too straightforward to have any lasting affect. But it caught my attention nonetheless.”

Yet another pause as this time she slowly reaches into one of the folds of her dress and draws something forward. Her hands extends without the slightest hint of caution through the bars towards the captive and opens to reveal a small golden badge shaped like an encircled rose.

“And so I come here today to present you with this.”


Return to the Surface - Asmodeus Archaevictus
The sun dips lower over the horizon and the shadows stretch ever longer over the thick fluids of the Alabaster Ridge. Few people dare walk to the far end of the beach, and barbed wire stretch all along the borders of the endless cypress forest and the bleached white as bone sands of the spring.

Ancient stones divide the swamp and this tranquil swimming hole, but like most barriers, there's always something that can break it. Slowly, like a sickening cancer, the putrid bile of the swamp amalgamated with the pristine waters of the swimming pool and turned into the rancid remains of what once defined purity.

Such is the spread of Asmodeus. Asmodeus' victory over the ranks of the Empire's own Praetoria has spread his dark influence. More fledglings and mercenaries of the dark side have ventured to offer their services, and the undead ranks of Asmodeus' army grow.

His citidel stands complete now, great decrepit towers and keeps, dungeons full of his own political prisoners. The Empire's law against a large gathering of political opposers is being beyond broken, but few lawmen would dare enter the quagmire to challenge Asmodeus.

He knows this and he grows proud, but doesn't allow himself to inflate too much. The more inflated your pride the more easily a sharp point can pop you. Instead he gathers his thoughts, and compares and prepares for his next moves.

An attack on the most powerful Empire competitor is in order, the free-lancers are less important, especially the one's with personal problems. Attacking the ranks of the Praetoria will help cause disarray in the upper-levels. Maybe even draw out a big name challenge, definitely a great idea.

Suddenly there is a disturbance in his mind. Great waves of heat wash over him... an intruder... slaying his undead soldiers. Asmodeus snaps to attention, and he floats slowly into the air as he prepares for teleportation. The air thickens around him and everything seems heavier, suddenly in a flash of light he's gone. There is a deafening rumble as the air replaces the void and every light object in the room is flung towards the emptiness that used to hold his body. Like that... he's gone.

A crusader in armor of the most gilded gold, shone like an angel of light in that darkness. His steed long dead he fought on his own, waist deep he cut down the undead advisaries in his path. His long sword now deeply entangled in putrid long-dead flesh, held strong in his tightened grip. Nervously his eyes dart from side to side, as his breath is now visible in the instantly colder air. He knows something is amiss.

Another thunderclap sounds and everthing in the forest is knocked to its back. The crusader barely stayed on foot, which is fortunate for him, as being knocked under water is a guaranteed death of drowning. However, perhaps drowning was a better alternative than his future now.

He takes a step back from the black cloak lowering itself to the murky mud below it. He braces his stance to fight with the beast before him but soon all that will change.

The crusader's golden gilding begins to crust and flake off his armor to the ground. His armor creaks against itself and becomes stiff and brittle... this warlock is rusting it!

A quick strike from Asmodeus' staff, fast enough had the paladin blinked he would've missed it, shatters the breastplate from his body and sends a spray of tiny flakes to the water's surface. As if mocking him, they float and reflect little glints of the now almost vacant sun.

The paladin whispers a prayer as the rest of his armor melts away by the passage of centuries in the blink of an eye. Asmodeus offers the paladin to join him, in highest ranks... but the paladin whispers to the great necromancer: "My allegience is to my Savior, and if I must meet him by your hand, than that is my destiny."

Asmodeus nods to this typical response. "Your Divine Creator should be proud of your fidelity, young soldier. I'm sure you will meet Him in His favor." and with that Asmodeus silently walks behind the now silently kneeling and praying knight. "Farewell soldier, I forgive you for killing my ranks, and wish you the best in the afterlife." Asmodeus gently grabs the knight by his chin and the top of his head, turns his head one way, then snaps it back violently to the other.

The knight utters a silent death rattle, then slips away under the water. Asmodeus, feeling dignified, returns in a steady hover back to his throne, and awaits his next challenge... or at least the opportune time to offer up his own.

Arrival - Grilak
*Grilak looks around the streets of town as he scans for any signs of possible threats. His red eyes, the only source of color from him, gleam in the moonlight. His black clothing and trenchcoat cover every possible area on him leaving no skin exposed except for his face. He reaches inside his trenchcoat to check and make sure his blade is still attached to his back and ready for quick action. His nose picks up the smell of a slagger and he grins. He speaks lowly and to himself*

"Well well well. Looks like I will have some action tonight after all."

*Grilak moves towards the stench quietly. His black comabt boots not makeing any sound as he crosses the street and heads towards the alleyway before him. All of a sudden a huge man comes barreling out of the dark alleyway towards Grilak. The slagger is about 5'10" in height and looks to weigh in at almost 200 lbs. His hair is a tangle of stringy, dirty hair that has not been cleaned in weeks. Grilak laughs as his eyes had already pierced the darkness and spotted the slagger. He quickly drops down and spins, lashing out with his right leg. He rises back to his feet as he hears the satisfied #thump# of the heavy body hitting the ground. Turning around, Grilak sees the slagger rolling over and climbing back to his feet. Before he has a chance to recover, Grilak quickly moves forward and grabs the man around the throat and lifts him an inch off the ground.*

"What are you doing fouling up the streets of the Empire stravag?"

*Grilak hisses out from between clenched teeth*

SLAGGER -"I can do whatever I please. Aint nobody gonna tell me what ta do, who ta like, or where ta go."

*He spits in Grilaks face , his yellowed teeth showing, along with the gaping holes from missing teeth, and then kicks out, striking Grilak in the lower abdomen. Grilak drops the man and quickly reaches in and under his trenchcoat, drawing the three feet of razor sharp honed steel that makes his katana. As soon as the blade is clear from the sheath, Grilak brings it aorund and, with one slash, decapitates the slagger. The entire time from dropping to killing was only 2 seconds. He cleans off his blade on the slaggers clothes and then resheathes his blade.*

"You are wrong. The Empire can tell anyone and everyone what to do. You disobeyed and fouled the streets so you have just paid the price for your defiance."

*Grilak tosses the slaggers body onto the curb and then lights it on fire to dispose of it.*

"You will foul our streets no more."

*He grins as he watches the mans body ignite and start burning, enjoying the sickly sweet smell of the burning flesh and the sound of the mans fat crackling and popping.*

meeting vox in the tavern - Black Dawg
*Black Dawg arrives in the forest with the blade that he has stolen from the small shop, in town he had heard of a man who could identify objects. Anything weapons, armor, elixers he could indentify any of them black dawg was curious as to what kind of blade this is so he wandered through the forest hoping to find this man.*

Black Dawg - "Damnit I'll never find him at this pace, I will probaby have another match this wensday and I need to find out what this is before then."

*Black Dawg walked alone in the dark forest looking for anything a sign or clue to show if he was even going in the right direction, feeling hopeless he walked up beside a rather large rock and sat down to gather his thoughts.*

Black Dawg - "How can this be, how can someone live here without me smelling them not even one time in all the years that I have come here... and not even a week ago that city, how could it have been there all this time without me ever finding it. Even the few people I have talked to in town havent heard of it... what is going on!"

*Black Dawg thinks of all the strange things he has come across since the beggining of the battle games as he stares at the blade he has stolen from the shop.*

Black Dawg - "Oh damn I almost forgot, that other wolf... neamo. He was wanted by the praetorian men and they captured him a few days ago... this all started about the same time I started to hear about him, he must know something. Damnit why did he have to get captured right now, when I have to talk to him! There must be a way..."

*With a new goal in black dawgs mind he wraps the mystical blade in a dark leather case as he puts it half under the large rock. Black Dawg shifts into wolf form and quickly darts back towards the town hoping someone in the tavern will know something about the other wolf, neamo. Just on the edge of town Black Dawg turns back into his human for and walks towards the tavern."

Black Dawg - "The first wolf I have seen in a long time, wanted by the praetorian."

*As black dawg approaches the tavern he can he loud music and people talking from within, he pushes open the swinging wooden door as he stands at the entrances and looks throught the bar. Spotting an empty seat at the bar he walks up and sits down. The bartender walks towards black dawg as he is drying off a mug ready to fill it back up."

Bartender - "So what can i get ya"

Black Dawg - "Actualy I was wondering if you could tell me anything about this werewolf they call neamo."

Bartender - "Oh you wanna know about neamo, well then thats the man you want to talk to, his names vox."

*The bar tender points his finger towards a rather large man sitting at a table alone drinking a tall glass of whisky, he has a long blonde beard with his long hair laying down his back, party covered by leather hat with a brim going all the way around.

Bartender - "Here your gonna have to buy him a drink, i'll get you his favoirtie for 3 copper piece."

Black dawg - "fine, here"

*Black dawg flips 3 copper piece on the bar as he grabs the drink and walks over to the table and sat down across from Vox.*

Black Dawg - "Hey, you vox?"

*Vox looks up at black dawg with an expressionless face as he pounds back the rest of his whisky.*

Vox - "Yeah I'm Vox what do you want."

Black Dawg - "I hear you know about the fighters in the battle games, I wanna know about neamo."

Vox - "Sure, but this doesn't come free you know."

*Black Dawg slides the drink across the table, Vox looks pleased as he takes a drink.*

Vox - "alright what do you wanna know, and dont say everything cuz we dont have enough time for that"

Black Dawg - "Yeah I wanna know where's been taken and how I can get ahold of him, we need to talk"

Vox - "Oh, ok well thats a little different because you see, the preatorian men well, they dont just go around telling people what they're doing with their prisoners but i have an inside guy and he's told me a little bit, it might not all be true though, that ok?"

Black Dawg - "I don't exactly have a choice, your the only guy here that can help me so I'll just have to go with whatever you say."

Vox - "Heh yeah well here's what I've heard, Apparently the cheif of the games wasn't to impressed by neamo's little act in round one, so i heard they locked him up in a cell deep in the preaitorian dungeons, and well you wanna see him, you'd have better job surviving a sliver bullet to your heart."

Black Dawg - "Silver, so you know what I am??"

Vox - "Yeah you're just like neamo, don't worry you'll get to see him eventualy, but I can't promise you he will be the same as before, if I were you I'd forget about him, you have your own path to follow."

Black Dawg - "Oh mabey you can help me you see...."

Vox - "NO, I know what you want and well, you will find out about the dagger when you are ready, just make sure you dont lose it now you had better get out of here. Go train for your next match."

*Black Dawg looking a little confused slowly gets up as he walks towards the exit, as he pushes the swinging door open and makes his way out of the tavern he looks back to the table that vox was at, only to see it empty.*

Arriving in town. - Lug
             Blundering through the swampy marsh outside of town, Lug blindly led his way through the 2 foot deep water with minor difficulty. Having to duck through the majority of the trek through the swamp, Lug's lower back was killing him. He desperatly needed a place to sleep. After a few hours of trudging, he gradually left the 2 foot deep water and was walking on extremly spongy ground. Being able to right himself his 6' 2" frame came fully erect. Streatching out his four, muscular arms, Lug arched his back looking up into the stary night sky. It was well past midnight, and there was a foggy darkness that was out this night. Almost total darkness if it wasn't for the cresent moon in the sky. The dim light just giving away enough terrain to aid in Lug's journey.
             Cresting a small hill he saw dim lights on the other side of the valley. Hoping it was a town he began to walk towards it. Causiously approaching the towns shape began to take form. Avoiding any main road he came to the town. The town, or city is more accurate, was fairly large, but spread out over a large area. Not seeing any signs of danger, he proceeded into town and kept out of the main lights of street. Not knowing where to go, he blindly walked the streets. Occasionally comming across some vangrant sleeping or passed out, covered in their own vomit.
             Coming around a corner he saw a small inn and walked towards it. Pushing in the double hinged doors he entered the establishment. A dwarfish fellow appeared behind the counter. Obviously standing on some sort of stool.
             "That'll be 1 copper per person, no money, no room." His raspy voice didn't seem to fit such a small man. His right hand staying behind the counter. Obviously his finger lying on the trigger of some sort of bolt gun.
             Reaching into his pocket he felt for some coin. Bringing out the contents, he found 2 copper only. Handing one to the darf, he put the other one in his pocket and reached for his key.
             "Looks as though you need some money my friend." The darf spoke.
             "Yes," Lug's spoke. "Desperate need." Not meening to give too much information about his finances, but seeing as he had nothing to lose, he felt he had no choice.
             "There's always some sort of area match happening. You could win some serious coin if you win. If you lose, you'll more than likely lose your life."
             "Where would I go to enter in these contests?"
             "Go to the bulletin board to blocks from here, and enter a challenge. Im sure you'll find a challenge by tomorrow afternoon."
             Following the directions of the darf, he came to a wall, plastered with want ads, classifieds for love, items for sale, and challenge requests. Scribbling his name and availability for challenge. Pinning it to the board he awaited notification. Going back to his room he set two his Silver and wood spiked clubs near the head of the bed and collapsed on the bed. His dreams filled with dandilions, and tulip gardens, with fine troll supermodels dancing naked.

Failing but not? - Luc Dash
Luc Dash walked out of the arena, not angry, but not happy either.

"For one who has never fought in the arenas before, methinks I gave him quite a show!" He said to himself, speaking about the flipping and the handy scimitar work. Still, he could feel the wound on his back, where Abbadon sliced him.

"Vengence shall be mine!" He shouted and he walked back into the forest, found a tree, leaned on it (slowly), and fell asleep.

Victories Won, Promises Made - Abbadon
Abbadon felt the rain pour down on him from above. It was the center of the arena, muddy, disgusting, bloodstained. But at that moment, it was too god damn beautiful for pitiful human words. Abbadon started walking silently towards his exit, noting the good grace his opponent had to walk towards his own, accepting defeat. Then he heard it. The cheers.





The undead warrior's face shot up towards the crowd. They were cheering for him!

He looked towards Raedo. The silent and deadly man sat still...sighed...and began clapping. Abbadon felt a wreching feeling rise from his stomach. This man, this evil tool of the Empire that had slaughtered Rose, was applauding for an unknown enemy.

He turned his head briefly, looking back into the audience, and saw a slight glimpse of something flowing and blue. A light azure blue, like the clearest spring day. He tried in vain to pinpoint the source of the color, but it kept disappearing behind another crowd of spectators. But there it was again! He looked hard...

It was a woman. A woman in a flowing blue dress. It hung loosely, but formfitting, blowing about in the stormwinds. Her wavey red hair cascaded like the purest waterfall over her shoulders. She turned to face him, met his eyes. It was her! It was Rose!! Her voice wafted to his ears, even though she was so far away...

"I love you, Joseph. Don't give up..."

Abbadon wanted to run to her, to hold her in his arms and never let her go! But the beauty with the red hair and the name to match dissapeared once more behind a large crowd of people. Abbadon smiled for the first time in a very long while.


Abbadon perched high above the arena floor, watching the events like a hawk from his metaphorical nest atop one of the huge electric lights. He couldn't get the vision out of his head. He couldn't give up now. Not after what he saw tonight. But his thoughts were interrupted by the events below him. His friend, Neamo, was being hearded off, taken away by Raedo and the Praetorians!!! Abbadon swept down, looking at all the guards, thinking about what he had seen that night. He couldn't afford to interfere! He had a mission... But he couldn't just let them destroy the only friend he had in this world!! He swept down, amidst the chaos, getting as close as he could to Neamo's sightline as he could without being noticed. "Don't worry. I'll get you out of this..."

Recovering lost posessions... - Black Dawg
*After Black Dawg's loss many would have expected him to go into a rage of fury, robbing stores and trying to find enough money eat, find a doctor or perhaps buy some better armor. But instead Black Dawg was just sitting in a dark alley reflecting on his match and all of the things he should have done in order to win.
Black Dawg was worried about next weeks battles because they were on the same night as the full moon, he knew that no matter how much he trained he could not prepare to fight in control under the full moon.*

Black Dawg - "Just my luck, first I lose this match and don't get any copper pieces and then my next match is on the same night as the full moon..."

*Black Dawg thinks about Dr. Mengal and how he has developed a sudden hate for her. Knowing only one thing... she wants to exterminate the wearwolfs, which wouldn't happen if Black Dawg had anything to do about it.*

Black Dawg - "How could I, How... when the silver ripped through my flesh all this anger, this hate came out from within me... so much hate, but where does it come from, its as if... as if something in my past so painful has burried itself deep in my memories. So deep that I cannot remember, only feel the hate!"

*Black Dawg runs his dirk along the ground as he tries to remember what could have happened to him, what could be so painful that his mind has tried to erase the mememory. Not being able to figure it out he smashes his dirk into the wall that he leans against... *crack* the dirk breaks in 2 pieces*

Black Dawg - "Oh sh*t! Great now I have to get another dirk... WHY THE HELL CANT I REMEMBER MY PAST!!!"

*Black Dawg gets up and starts walking hastley down the alley determinded to find his lost memories... and of course a new dirk. He arrives at the main street where he stops for a moment as a cool breeze blows his long black hair and black torn treanchcoat. Black Dawg turns left making his way towards a small shop that sells basic weapons. He gets to the door and looks around making sure the coast is clear, and in one smooth motion he cracks open the door as he slides inside the shop closing the door behind him.*

Black Dawg - "I've got to calm down, calm down black dawg you've done this your whole life why would you get caught now."

*The store is one small square room with a little till and the few weapons placed under the desk, black dawg slides over the desk behind the till as he looks in the drawers, he opens the first drawer.... gloves, leather caps. Black Dawg slides the door open and looks in the drawer under it...*

Black Dawg - "hmmmmm, thats strange what would this be doing here."

*In the drawer is a case about 2 feet long and 6 inches wide, it looks to be a rare by the many jewls on the case... Black Dawg opens up the case seeing a strange looking weapon inside.*

Black Dawg - "wow, I've never seen anything like this before... looks pretty exspensive."

*In the case appears to be a big dagger, 16 inches long on the handle there are 3 jems, on the bottom a green one, the middle a yellow, and the top one red... as black dawg goes to take the dagger out of the case the green jem appears to have the colors swirl around inside it.*

*chink, chink, chink...*

*Black Dawg hears the copper pieces in someones pouch as they make their way to the store, black dawg grabs the blade and puts the empty case back as he hides be hind the dest.*

*click, someone unlocks the door as they swing it open, the lights flick on as black dawg is thinking how the hell he is going to get out of this.*

STORE OWNER - "I can't belive I forgot to bring that sacret weapon with me, with the power that it holds I can't let some measly theif get it and pawn it off."

*The man aproaches as black dawg turns into wolf form so he can make a quick exit as he realizes that if he waits here its only a matter of time before he gets caught... the store owner gets to the front of the dest as black dawg quickly jumps up knocking the store owner down, black dawg darts across the room and dives right through the window.*


*Black dawg makes his way straight to the place he knows best... the forest as he runs deep into the woods with his new found treasure.*



Archived Roleplays