The world has changed drastically and its inhabitants have changed with it.  When joining the Empire, please read the following descriptions before making a race selection.  If there is something special you would like to play that isn’t covered by the following, email me stating what you want to play and why.  Keep in mind that not all requests will be accepted. 


Despite the massive loss of life during the apocalypse, humans still account for the majority of the Earths population.  However, in the battle games, they are certainly a minority.  The average human simply doesn’t have the physical attributes to compete against some of the more high powered races.  Nevertheless, occasionally a human of exceptional skill, bravery, or stupidity, rises to the challenge and throws his hat into the battle games.  When creating a human you can be as creative as you desire.



  • Can be of any class
  • Have no superhuman abilities unless they are of the Mage class, have been granted endowments, or have access to ritualistic magic



With the rapid growth in technology just prior to the Apocalypse, mankind created many mechanical wonders.  Among the greatest of these were the cyborgs.  Cyborgs were created for a variety of reasons and therefore come in a variety of shapes in sizes.  They range from completely concealed mechanical implants to massive metallic monstrosities containing only the barest scraps of human tissue.  When creating a cyborg, a detailed description is necessary.  Also, keep in mind that only simple weapons will be deemed admissible in the battle games, no lasers, missiles, or grenades allowed.



  • May not be of the Mage class
  • May have no laser or missile based weapons



Few creatures evoke wonder and outright terror like the ancient vampires.  These cursed beings have existed along side humans since the beginning of recorded history inspiring numerous legends around the globe.  In the days before the Apocalypse, they were forced to live in secrecy, feeding and reproducing at slow rates in the dark of night.  Now, with the scorched sky reducing the number of daylight hours, vampires have become the open masters of the night.  Vampires are physically more impressive than humans and posses various supernatural powers (See “Magic” section for details).  However, it is important to note that vampirism is most certainly a curse.  They are forced to leech their cold existence from the blood of the living and are forever exiled from the light of the sun.  When creating a vampire, it is important to remember that no matter how benevolent you were in life, deep within you hides a monster waiting to take control.  Of course, you could always just give in.



  • May not be of the Mage class
  • Die almost instantly in sunlight
  • Regenerate quickly from most wounds
  • Cannot regenerate from wooden instruments through the heart



Legends of men and women who could take the form of animals(usually the wolf) are found in civilizations through ought history and around the globe.  In the Empire, these shape changers are so much more than legends.  They are zealous combatants of ferocious intensity.  How they came to be is a mystery as is their reappearance in the times shortly after the Apocalypse, but there are a few rumors.  There have been sightings of an odd animalistic creature seen just prior to the birth of these strange creatures.  Also, the Lycanthrope’s power seems to be closely tied to nature and augmented by the full moon.  But, all that can be said for certain is that they are to be feared and respected in combat.  When creating a Lycanthrope, be sure to state what sort of animal form you will take (preferably the wolf).  Also, remember that lycanthropes are creatures of action and their personalities should reflect this.



  • May not be of the Mage class
  • Are severely allergic to silver
  • May take animal form at any time
  • Must take animal form under the full moon
  • Have minimal control over actions during the full moon



Not all humans escaped the intense radiation of a nuclear world war unscathed. Some gave birth to hideously deformed children who were driven out of society and forced into roaming bands of outsiders. After generations of breeding between these mutants, an entirely new race was formed, the Trolls. The Trolls are still considered outcasts by the rest of society and live in loosely assembled tribes that roam the barren lands south of The Empire.  Still a few have gained the status of citizenship in The Empire, and a Troll in the battle games is certainly not unheard of.  No two Trolls are exactly alike but all are disfigured in some way and most are frighteningly strong, ill tempered, and possessed of an incredibly tough hide.  When creating a Troll be sure to list some form of disfigurement.



  • May be of any class
  • Are all deformed in some unique way
  • Have extremely tough hide



The Elves are a mysterious lot.  When they emerged from their shattered forest homes after the Apocalypse there was wild speculation about their origins.  The Elves themselves claim that their civilization was ancient in the time of mankind’s infancy.  When the human cities began to grow like cancerous sores on the Earth, they were forced into the safety of the forests where they remained hidden for millennia.  But now, with so many of the worlds forests destroyed, the Elves have resurfaced and are making their presence felt.  Most make their homes in the world’s largest remaining forest, Blackwood Vale, but a small few have made their way through The Empire’s borders.  Elves generally have slight builds and possess astounding agility.  Nearly every elf has a passionate hatred for The Empire and its ever-encroaching borders.  While most of the Elven Nation chooses to strike at The Empire with quick border skirmishes, some have decided to attack from the inside.  The Battle Games provide the perfect opportunity.  When creating an elf, keep in mind that nearly all elves, evil and good alike, are enemies of The Empire. 



  • May not be of the Praetorian class
  • Are separated between Nobles and Commoners
  • Nobles are born within Blackwood Vale and are divided into 3 circles: Appolus (Sun), Lunas (Moon), and Stellian (Stars)



"Undead" is a term used to describe anything from a zombie to a wraith.  Anything wrenched from the rest of the grave falls under this category.  Their motives are as varied as their forms and they range from the extremely ancient to the relatively recent.  When creating an undead character be creative.  Be sure to list how they gained their unlife and what they plan to do with it.



  • May be of any class
  • Have no superhuman abilities unless they are of the Mage class, have been granted endowments, or have access to ritualistic magic