Magic. There was a time when all that was unexplained in the world was attributed to this mystical force. Today, Magic is still very much an enigma, but there are those who dedicate their lives to the study of this arcane art. In the world of the Empire Magic takes many different forms. What follows is a brief description of these forms.


Universal Magic

Universal Magic is the sphere of the Mages. It is the power to manipulate reality using only the power of the mind and superior will. Exactly how this is accomplished is still a mystery. The most common theory is that the fabric of reality has been loosened allowing Mages to "tug" on the threads and exact small but meaningful changes. At any rate, anyone with considerable intellectual capacity, supreme willpower, and diligent study can attain mastery over this arcane art. However, the power of Universal Magic is hardly absolute. Mages with the ability to hurl fire and lightning are unheard of. Instead, they rely on more subtle powers altering physics slightly to fit their needs. Momentary strength enhancement, invisibility, flight, temperature manipulation are all possible affects with Universal Magic. (Note: Any particular affects you would like for your mage to have in battle should be submitted in a "Strat." Otherwise I will have to think of affects myself that may not be true to your character.)



Ritualistic Magic, also referred to as Sorcery, has been known to mankind since ancient times. However, rituals today exist in a much more pure form than those of the past. By calling upon some entity and performing some elaborate ceremony, a person can achieve overwhelming mystical affects. Unlike Universal Magic, the power and affects of rituals rely on word choices and can be highly subjective suggesting that a sentient being is somehow involved. The affects of rituals can include healing, curses, and possibly even resurrection. Much of what is known of the World Beyond is gleaned through summoning rituals. Some powerful practitioners even claim to have spoken to bright glowing beings that speak of an entity that can only be described as "God". Few beginning participants will have any great knowledge of Ritual Magic, but if one were to look, one might find a teacher. (Note: If your character has been approved to use ritual magic, you should include the ritual in a roleplay and submit a "Strat" describing any desired combat affects.)


Blood Magic


Blood Magic is a powerful ability accessible only to the Vampires.  It has always been believed that the curse of the Vampire lies in the blood.  The same holds true for their power.  Through unknown means, the Vampire harnesses this power and uses it for a variety of affects.  Some choose to augment their strength and agility.  Others use it to affect the minds of mortals and hold them captive with a mesmerizing stare.  Still there are drawbacks to this ability.  The Vampire’s blood is consumed in its usage and must be replenished through feeding. Also, certain wooden instruments can prohibit the control of this power, thus providing evidence for the stake through the heart legend.  Keep in mind that Blood Magic can only be used to affect a Vampire’s own body and to a limited affect the minds of others.  (Note: Any particular affects that you would like to use in combat should be submitted in a “Strat.”  Otherwise, I will assume you wish augment strength and durability.)




Endowments are a complete mystery even to those who use them.  An Endowment is any physical or mystical change in a person’s body or mind presumably enacted by some powerful being.  Thus far, all Endowments have been granted to exceedingly loyal Praetorians apparently by the Emperor.  Some examples include enhanced muscle mass, “burning” skin, or winged appendages.  (Note:  Any Endowments must be requested in the application.  Not all requests will be granted.)