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OK, by looking at this page you must think that this guy scomac (what the hell kind of name is that?) is obsesed by the borg... well, yeah I am, but i have my reasons... In school were me and my mates 'hanged out' there was a bin nearby, in this bin every summer was a wasp nest. The wasps would be buzzing about and when one came over to us my friends would run off like a bunch of girls. I on the other hand would stay there, not scared one bit and I wouldn't budge even if i flew onto my hand, i was fasanated by them. I'm not trying to make out I'm the big man or anything, I was then and still am now scared sh*tl*ss of other bugs, but as the person who had a mild allergy to their sting, I should've been the one prancing about like a pansie. Same with ants, i could stick my hand in a anthill no probs (even though in Scotland I don't think many types of ants sting). It's the way that there is thousands, millions even of bodys working as one, one would sacrifice itself for their purpose without question, much like the Borg. They are the space fairing ants of the twentyforth century. Don't worry, theres still a lot of un-Borg realated things on this site........enjoy

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