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Guyver Online

The Guyver is a 16 part anime which tells the story of Sho Fukamachi and his friends as they find themselves mixed up in the experiments made by a powerful corporation called Chronos on humans. Sho accidenatlly activates one of the three Guyver units and all at once he finds himself attacked by humans who can morph into Zoanoids and whom objective is to kill Sho and recapture the Guyver unit at all costs. On this webpage you must search the internet and send me a picture of the guyver you want.Email me your stats and charachter info. Its all in sign up so email me quick as so many members will be allowed. HURRY!!!!!

Ok, everyone this Shadow the half owner of this site saying you must vist every link on this page before you send in information about your character. And if you wish to give updates put them on the message board. Vist the Message board often that is all.

If you come to this site one obligation is go to the Message Board and tell me what you think and say hi.

Everyone the Attacks page and Hyper Dimension are now operating so please feel free to post you new moves on the message board. Me and my associate will do our best to update everyone as quickly as possible. 3/26/2000-Shaodw Guyver

Navigate the Site

Sign Up
After a Battle
Message board
History of the Guyver
How to Ref a Fight
