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Versions of The Frog Prince and the Princess Brat

25 minute version ------------50 minute version ----------------75 minute version

(c) 2000 Jeannette Jaquish; (c) 2002 Jeannette Jaquish

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25 minute version

5 - 6 actors
Traditional story of princess dropping ball and promising 3 days to Frog to fetch it, being forced to keep her promise and becoming friends with the Frog.
Princess Conceita, female age 8 to 17
Frog, male (puppet)
Cupcake, male or female (puppet or actor)
Queen Mum, female
Butler, male
Boy Prince who was the Frog (can also play the puppet Frog)

50 minute version

Added Princess scenes add funny stuff as the Frog causes more trouble.
Add these actors:
Princess Petula, age 8 to 20
Princess Divea, age 8 to 20

90 minute version

Added Tutor scene and kidnapping, escape, recapture and second escape, create a subplot of revolution and espionage in the kingdom and show Conceita and the Princesses as outgrowing their selfish ways to become brave honorable young women.

Add these characters:
Tutor actor must also play Raven, dashing villain, male
Lob, kidnapper, male or female, tough
Stump, kidnapper, male or female, tough
Thunk, kidnapper, male or female, tough, dumb
Diplomat from Velgian, male or female, musketeer type
Diplomat from Bordeen, male or female, musketeer type
(With quick costume change, Diplomats can play kidnappers.)
