Take the What Color Dragon Should You Ride? Quiz
Made By: myway and teza

COMING SOONmaybe...Possibly this summer summer...Don't count on it...!!!
ORGANIZATION! I will have a place for all my pictures. Perhaps a MKR website, the best anime ever, the only one worth my time... so far. Don't hold me to that.
Maybe I'll update my movie pages. Add new parts to my stories. RL's a bitch, but I'll make it a goal to do something each weekend... but don't count on it. If someone would be sweet enough to send me Building A Website For Dummies, I could probably do this better.
Updates on my pathetic life
June 27th-I'm back from camp!!! The first official picture...
Starting from the left-Switch, Loony, Hawaii, Gash, Flash, Stick, Kix, Rugrat(Squatting down), Slips, Accident, Burro, Chip, 8-Ball, Sparky(Me), and Roadkill

My Aviation Challenge Group-I'm the 2nd farthest right.


Accually coming, In a few days: My experiances from this upcoming year of Advanced Space Academy and Aviation Challange!!!Really...What, don't you believe me? Eh, believe what you want. I know I'm telling the truth.

Pictures from Aviation Challenge, 2002!!!
The effects of goofing off on the centerfuge.
All MRE's and no real food made Roadkill go crazy.
Roadkill has an idea while at the social!
Bean, the guy in the navy shirt, was our first Team Leader-He screwed us up royally... He'd had a head start on Stick. Switch was already messed up.
You think you know what real pressure is? Try the Centerfuge.
Flash and Loony's new girlfriends were real 'dummys'... Please excuse the horrific pun there...
The Redhead, Rugrat, was our regular Team-Leader. Great person, but she had trouble keeping up with her apples... Flash, guy, was the cause of her losing so many apples...
They let Gash and Sparky(Me) fly this thing... what the hell were they thinking?
Everyone stopped to watch the Gunslingers enter the Social-We were the life of the party!
Sparky(Me) attempting to dance, and doing a really crappy job.
Roadkill, on the other hand...
This dance also works well as a main defense in Capture the Flag.
Ken went to Aviation Challenge, broke his arm during Capture the Flag, and all he got was that stupid sling.
This is the only picture I've got of the entire group-Ken left the next day.
We were told to stay off the grass-Gunslingers take orders from NO ONE... Except Rugrat... Sometimes...
HA! We're on the grass again!!!
You kids and your newfangled houses... Why, when I was young, we slept under parachutes tied to trees, and 5 people slept in it together!
It doesn't look so roomy from the outside... or from the inside, for that matter...
Roadkill and Hawaii were CLOSE friends...
We took banana's to a Miss Baker the Monkey's grave.
Yeah, right.
We never let our guard down for a moment-We patrolled EVERYWHERE, even to meals.

Pictures from Space Camp, 2002!!!

Pictures from Space Camp, 2001!!!
Sorry about the broken links, but they are currently in the process of being fixed.
Amy and I wallowing in agony! I'm on the right.
Me in a bubble.
I'm like Luke Skywalker, but I lost my fingers instead of my hand!
We need Prozac, STAT!
Right after I got my fingers chopped off. "WHERE THE HECK ARE MY FINGERS?!?"(Picture slightly edited)
There are lemmings... And there are LEMMINGS!
Me and my good friend, Silent Ben.
Tereschova FOREVER!!!
"She's dead!!!" "Then fix her!!"
Taken on the centerfuge, I'm the one only half way in the picture.
The crew of the Space Station... Before we died numerous times.
Now you know what the inside of room 419 looks like!!!
Me during an identity crisis(I thought I was Colin, our counciler.)
Everyone's unconcious, and there is no one to fix the air leak! We're all gonna die... AGAIN!
I think Ashley NOSE the Quiz Bowl answers!
Freev: The Ultimate Safety chick(I'm in the apron, helmet, goggles and gloves)
Dude, you're not the only one who got their fingers chopped off! Give me some bandage!!
Will you be our counciler? Ours deserted us!
Chicks Chilling
Chicks in Charge!
$10 says she pukes!

And... The Best for Last...

Can you do the Buffalo Dance?

Now, back to Freev's Hole In The Wall

You know you've been reading Pern too long when...


And now for something completely different... My lovely battle scar. Ok, I am TOTALLY remodeling my site. I will most likely do away with most of my extentions, and do something new... I dunno. Well, enjoy your stay, and come back soon, it's a work in process. Slowly I'll add new stuff. Oh, and when I have "Coming Soon" or "Work in Progress", your guess as to if and when it will be finished is as good as mine... Especially now, as school is in session... Why can't we all just live by that song they played in the barn in "Witness"? ::Starts singing:: Don't know much about history... Don't know much biology... Don't know much about science books... Don't know much about the French I took...

Who is Freev?
My name is Leland. You can call me Freev, or Great Goddess of all things strange and mystical, or Patron Saint of Fluffy Kittens, or Scribe of Star Wars/Dragon Lore, or Minstril of Sarcasm, or Oh Glorious Evil One, or Lelbr Docha, Segcheverolet of Prozac. I've picked up a lot of names over the years.
I'm a strange pessimistic slacker. I see almost everything in bad light, and it keeps me very very happy. Why go to the lightside when the Dark side has so many perks? I used to try and look on the bright side, and while everything else looked good, my life looked like crap. When I started ignoring the world around me and what people said about me, and focused on my cats, my friends and family, my writings, and my job, I found myself on cloud 9! I also think Morals and Self Respect are often confused.
I Like...
Cats. I have five.
Role Playing Games.
My Laptop.
Sci-Fi and Fantasy, especially Star Wars, Pern and Tortall.
Movies like Hannibal(Fava Beans anyone?), Gone With The Wind, Camelot, and The Star Wars quartet.
Books, specifically 1984, Darksaber, The Thomas Harris Trilogy(Red Dragon, SotL, Hannibal) and the Harry Potter books.
Music, some current favorites are Masterharper of Pern, Abba Gold, and Dark Side of the Moon. And, of course, Monty Python music. I know many of those songs by heart.

::Coming soon:: A list of Dislikes.

Do you really want to know more about me? I doubt it, you've probably heard too much.
Let's go to the links.

The referances of the Lady Freeva

My Gone With The Wind Page, where you can find Fanfics, GWTW sites, and Scarlett: The Crossover Musical Spectacular!!!
The now dead link to FTDA... A Memorial to the place I spent way to much time at.
My Foxtrot Page. Nothing great.
My Star Wars page, currently a piece of crap I cleared off and haven't done anything new to. There are a few links, but not much more than that.
Check out Anne McCaffrey's site.
Check out the Pern PBeM Role Playing Game I'm in, Torayan Weyr. Never a dull moment!
Another great PBeM RPG, Harry Potter and the Stairs of Forever! Something strange and shocking around every corner!

Only Time

Email: kittykitty76@yahoo.com

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