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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research


Out of Body Experiences

Many people report out of body experiences or OOBE as they are commonly called. An OOBE is when it is believed that your astral body or soul travels either with your conscious effort or without. Quite a few people learn to control this OOBE as a way of tuning in to their psychic self. Many other people are unwitting travelers that have this experience because of stress in their lives. Still others seem to have this experience as a forewarning of coming events either paranormal or the norm. Also OOBE should not be confused with sleep walking.

We have had many people report of OOBE here are just a few. One woman after a very trying day laid down on the couch in her living room, well in view of her husband and two kids. A few miles away her sister was just getting out of the shower and walked into her room to find her sister lying on her side in the bed. The sister was shocked and as she went to say something her sister disappeared. She called her sister and woke her up to find that she had indeed been sleeping and had not left her house. The woman did not remember her travels either.

Another story of OOBE was reported to us by a man who was watching TV in the living room of his home. His wife was not feeling well and decided to go to bed early. About an hour after she fell asleep the man looked up and saw his wife walk into the room and over to his chair and touch his arm at that she disappeared. The man jumped up and ran to his bedroom and found his wife asleep. Upon waking her up she had no recollection of walking in her sleep or of dreaming of walking in her sleep.

Another young mother reported to us that she had been having OOBE since she was in her teens. She had actually felt herself being pulled down the sheets of the bed by her ankles and out of the bed and into the room. One time she woke up in this state and was able to look down on her bed and tops of her dresser. This frightened her and she woke up in her bed. Another time during one of these experiences she was pulled out of bed in the same manner and she began to go down a tunnel, similar to the near death experiences. Once again she became frightened and returned to her bed.

This happened many times to her and once she realized that she could stop it by being frightened she decided to make a conscious effort to see what happened if she would continue on her trip. The next time it happened she allowed her self to go down the tunnel. At the end she found a bright light in front of her and to her left was what resembled a prison. It was dark in there and there were many dark skin men talking in a strange language.

To her right was what resembled an office, there was a partition so you could not see inside but there was a lot of light coming from that direction. As soon as she saw this she woke up back in her bed and was never to have anymore OOBE again.

We have found out that OOBE can be used to "stalk" people too. One woman that suffered under an African curse would wake to see the perpetrator standing over her bed at night. Sometimes she would see her as she showered or sat in the living room. It seemed that no matter where she went this woman would astral project her image to her. She felt that this was used to keep an eye on her.

There is a myth that waking someone who is in the process of astral projection can cause him or her great harm or even death. We know of no such cases but feel that OOBE can be dangerous especially if you don't understand what you are doing.


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