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Ghost Ghost
Aware Foundation: Paranormal Research


Soul Mates

Most people tend to think of the term Soul Mate meaning your one true love the person that you were meant to be with through life, but it can mean many different things. Soul mates are souls that have had experiences in the past and who have worked together through these experiences.

Family members whether they are biological, adopted or in law families are your soul mates. It is felt that souls evolve and reverse roles through past lives. These soul mates are attracted to you because they are on the same frequency as your soul. Many times soul mates come together as in love to bring forth into the world a much needed soul, a child.

Some experts believe that soul mates evolve from past live experiences and that when a person goes looking for his or her soul mates they tend to look for a soul that they were in a past life, for example a man might look for the soul that looks and acts like he did as a woman in a previous life.

They believe that the person’s ideal partner is who they were in that physical body. These experts tend to believe that we are always looking for ways to experience ourselves.


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