Empress Vader
I've been writing since I was eight years old. I love Star Wars, X-Files and Dark Angel. It's fun to write fan fic, but my original fics are my babies.

A really short Zack story
A tale featuring 3 year old Zack.

Jade's Touch
Zack finds himself stranded in the apartment of a woman from his past.

Body Issues (Young Tinga)
Young Tinga deals with puberty in Manticore.

While Logan’s away, Bling and Max play.

How Original Cindy got her name
A silly little short about OC getting her name



Max and Cindy's friendship is thrown for a loop when Jondy comes to Seattle. And Jondy discovers a long burried truth about herself.
Prologue    Chapter 01    Chapter 02    Chapter 03    Epilogue