
I am a big fan of Dark Angel and writing anything in general. I have been told that I am a good writer, but even if you don't think I am, I have no qualms with being knocked off my high horse:) I have written several fan fics for Dark Angel and for the x files..don't be afraid to send feedback, it motivates me Well as of now I am an eighteen yr. old "woman" I guess, and a freshman in college. Writing is something I enjoy doing. I am hopelessy hooked on Dark Angel, luving Jessica and Michael..luving Michael a lot more if he would just keep his hair at one damn style:) Sci Fi and action are sone of my major hook ups. I also am a sucker for sap and setiment..can't help but read those Max/Logan..Mulder/ Scully fics...wrote many myself. Although mine are kept in the context that the shows have them in..lets face it can you see Max being a 'genteel lady?'
As she put it in "Prodigy" to that terrorist, after remarking that he was "such a gentleman" but then knocked his ass down, proclaiming "too bad I'm not a lady" Also..(it just keeps going huh?) I am against Max/Zack romances, b/c..that's i-n-c-e-s-t..I know since it's not blood might be like "why not?" But she's looks up to him as an older brother, he protects her like an over bearing older brother...ergo... Basic 411 on me...I like action, grit, some blood, guess you could call me a tomboy...watchin' basketball and football (the all time greatest games)  I am generally the one to shout "Go for blood! No mercy! Eat grass! Suck it up! Be a man!" I enjoy stories with depth and drama...I cry a LOT at sap..oh and my dream car is a 60's red mustang convertable...mmhmm...that's a baby I'd just love to ride in. I luv to read as well..classics like Moby Dick, Brave New World and this great triology by Phillip Pullman called "His Dark Materials"
But back to Dark Angel...I enjoy writing about a futuristic time in America. Max is a beautiful character..many complex levels to deal with. Also luv writin' about  military thangs...I am a proud Air Force brat...uniforms get me rilled...heh..know what you all are thinkin' now..filthy FILTHY minds. And the whole urban hip hop scene is great..okay, being half Korean and half white keeps me out of being black or ghetto, but I don't pretend to be all ghetto-ey..unless I'm bein' funny. And I luv the street lingo...
ya know like "foo' " and "aiight" Makes the speach more colorful.
And that, ladies gentlemen, and any other essential life forms, is my profile. Sorry if I ran my mouth to long.

If You Want Me Too
The thoughts of Max and Logan during that scene before the morning Max goes into confession.