Guardian Angel

I'm addicted to Dark Angel, among other shows...

           Logan's thoughts after "Blah Blah, Woof Woof." Contains spoilers!

All The Possibilities
           An alternate ending for "Blah Blah, Woof Woof." Max reflects on her life thus far. Not really a romance, just lots of angst. 
  Anger Becomes Her
           Well, ok, not really a romance, but didn't really know what else to classify it as. More like take on Max's thoughts as she's in  the shower during "Out." Spoilers.

 Beneath the Surface
           Goes beneath the surface of the episode "Prodigy," taking a closer look at the feelings of Max and Logan.

Logan angst.

Christmas Dreams
           Max is forced to think about the meaning of Christmas.
           PG - Dark Angel - General - 8 Reviews - 43kb - 3176 Words - Updated 12/24/00 - Published 12/24/00 

           Answer to a challenge to do a song fanfic.

Fade to Black
           Sequel to "When Dreams Become Reality." M/L smut...

 Hanging By A Moment
           Rehash of scene from "Rising," delving deeper. :-) Spoilers galore!

Hungry Eyes
           A song fic...variation of a challenge I received. :-)

In Dreams Lay The Truth
           Pretty much plotless smut 'n angst...

 Is This Goodbye?
           A glimps into Max's thoughts during "Blah Blah, Woof Woof." Spoilers.

One and the Same
Zack angst.

The Way Home
           Another alternate ending to "Blah Blah, Woof Woof."

  When Dreams Become Reality
 Logan finds a possible way to cure himself, but to do so he and Max must go undercover...yes, I know, the general

Chapter 01    Chapter 02    Chapter 03    Chapter 04    Chapter 05

Chapter 06    Chapter 07    Chapter 08    Chapter 09    Chapter 10

Worth Waiting For
           Uhh...plotless smut...once again...pure fluff I wrote in honor of my sis's birthday. :-)