
If you're reading this, you’ve either been brainwashed by my evil minons in my devious plot to take over the world or you’re merely curious what someone named "Otterstamp"  is doing writing fanfics. Did I just say plot to take over the world? I...uh.. well I... ah hell...Anyway, My real name's Aimee and I'm a fanfic author published on several sites, but now I'm at the most ultimate fanfic site of all! ~evil laughter~ Ahem. Sorry about that. Anyway, I LOVE Daria, Harry Potter, and Dark Angel and that's what all these fanfics are. I'm a 14 year old girl from the good 'ole US of A. Don't I feel special? I'm only slightly skizophrenic, according to my friends, and we won't even get into 'the voices', right Lucifer? I'm the Queen of Sarcasm and usually an antisocial, mistrusting, pop music-hating, shipper. (Max/Logan, Harry/Hermione, Daria/Trent.) I'm quasi-evil and love my machete in the garage named 'Lorena' after a SBBED.D fanfic and I should have voted democratic in Florida. Um... the ultimate writers of shipper fanfiction are Diane Long for Daria and Lori for Harry Potter... I love you guys! And um... Amanda, if you're reading this "For God's sake, don't trust the elves! Not the flesh-eating elves!" And  Caitie, I just want to say that it was my life goal first you stealing, no good sonofabitch! I mean... yeah. For the people who care, my life goal is to take over microsoft, salughter Bill Gates, and conquer the world before I'm thirty. So that's about it. Please come back  every now and then for more Insane Ramblings. And Caitie? I didn't *really* mean the thing about the sonofabitch... I love constructive criticism so tell me what you think, and if you’re lucky, I’ll care.


Always An Imformant
This is just a little something I wrote in five minutes. We never hear about Logan's other informants, so this is just a little scene at his penthouse with an informant. It sucks, I know... but be kind! What more do you want in five minutes!

An Ode To Logan Cale
Fancliche about me and my friend and our crazy adventure into post-pulse Seattle, Max's world, and into our widlest fan-crazed dreams.  Continuing Series with plenty of my cussing. Warning: Pointless and stupid.

Another Soldier
The rating's only because of my swearing in the author's and end notes. Sorry bout that! Anyway, it's a perspective from another Chimera and just reflections on... stuff. Don't read if you're not into just plain reflections and no action. WARNING: It sucks.

Thank You Doctor Heinlen
Max feels like shit. So what makes her feel better? A trip to her meal ticket's penthouse apartment and some attention should do the trick. But her condition's worse then she thinks.

It's been a year since Max left Seattle. Now she's back to ease her conscience. Just a quick story I typed up in twenty minutes on a whim. I tend to do that a lot, don't I?