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Collar Armor

Here are some collar plate tips. For detailed attachment methods, please read the
Armor Instruction Page.
To detail the collar piece, use any of the techniques described on the
Paint and Weather Page

Collar Armor
Several pieces of fan made collar armor

One alternative to bolt attachment of the neck and back armor, is Velcro.

Additionally, there are two small square fasteners on each side of the collar.
These can be
recreated by various methods.
The first suggestion is to have them machined.

Collar Fasteners
This great example of machined aluminum fasteners, were created by Dean O'


Another alternative is to use protective rubber adhesive squares.
Traditionally placed on the bottom of electronic equipment, these squares can be found at
electronic and hardware stores. They are available in all colors and sizes.
Look for a gray color with the right size and shape.
Another option
could be old computer keyboard buttons

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