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When the moon is full and the night in the bush is clear,
if you listen you can hear,
coming over the hill ,
the thunder of hooves, breaking the night so still.

Over the rise they come,
the stallion, known by some
as Yarraman the Hand
leading proudly, defiantly, his haunting, ghostly band

See their wild & fiery eyes with the hint of something fey.
Aye, true brumbies all are they.
And yet, in the misty breath they blow
swear those who should well know
from which mortal stock they’re from.

And tho strange we have said Mother Nature to be
so fickle she is to be sure
to place the mark of a human hand
on a mystical beast such as he
who has never known man’s law.

So if you hear his bugling sound
beware the bush that surrounds.
For his call will bring the wild
on man, woman and child.
No one has heard his sound
not one has heard and lived.

Hadn't been to my site in quite a while,
so when I did I had to smile.
They came, they saw, they signed my book.
Now they want me to take a look,
at Mystickal Realms, a contest site.
I came, I saw, I joined the fight.
Now my team is Flights of Fantasy,
so won't you come and vote for me?

Wings spead to catch the wind,
eyes shine like jewels in the night
Riders looking for ways to win
with beasts a-flaming ready to fight.

We are "Flights of Fantasy!"

Unicorns, Dragons, Fairies Fey,
let us brighten up your day.
At FOF our spirit soars,
as we join the web site wars!

As a harper sings of dragon wings
so I cheer for my team so dear.
They've set me free, Flights of Fantasy!

Higher, faster, stronger, we won't stop
until we're there- right at the top.
Soaring above the rest on wings of art and poetry.
We are the best! We are Flights of Fantasy!

In the twinkle of a star,
in the shine of a moonbeam,
in the sparkle of sun on rain,
lies the spirit of our team.
We need you to vote, its important you see,
with your help we'll win.
We are Flights of Fantasy!



Revised - 8 April 2004
Art by ©Jonathon Earl Bowser Used with Permission
All Graphics © By Sysster Designs