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A Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel
Fan Site

This site is dedicated to both shows, and is likely to contain: plot synopses with rating, pictures, information about the actors and characters, with some emphasis on lessor known characters and villians. 


Chantrelle was introduced in the episode "Lie to Me", season 2 (episode 7) of Buffy the Vampre Slayer . She was a mislead girl who was very lonely. She believed that vampires were a higher form of life, and hoped that they would "bless her," allowing her to become one of them.
Lily   Lily appeared in the episode "Anne", season 3 (episode 1). She is the same character as Chantrelle, but changed her name to Lily when she landed on the streets of L.A. with her boyfriendRickie.  Her real name is never disclosed, but it is obviously that she had a hard home life, and doesn't wish to be known as whomever she was.  By the end of the episode, she again changes her name, and is now known as Anne .

Episode Guides and other seasonal things

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Season One

Season Two

Season Three

Season Four
Season One
Season Five
Season Two
Season Six
Season Three
Coming soon: Season Seven Coming soon: Season Four

All photos of show, the show titles, and other media  of the two shows belong to 20th Century Fox.. We in no way claim the pictures, or other  media  as our own, nor are we using them for monetary gain.  The site creation and conception are copy rights of lily and chantrelle .