Waspinator (Fox Kids)
Waspinator's Beast ModeWaspinator's Robot Mode
Allegiance: Predacon
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Black, dark lavender, transparent dark blue, light greenish yellow, gold, and some brown and light red
Rating: 6.4

    Beast mode is a wasp, and a repaint of the original Waspinator toy. The color scheme to this mode is, well, interesting. Although the gold on the abdomen and the transparent dark blue wings are nice, the lavender just doesn't seem right on a wasp, and it makes Waspy look like some kind of albino insect. The greenish-yellow and the red eyes are cool, though. One of the main structural problems I have with this mode is the fact that the back legs looks way too big to be insect legs, and don't look right in this mode. Also, Waspinator's robot hands are clearly visible, even from a side view. He also can't stand on his insect legs.
    Robot mode is a little better than his beast mode, but that darn lavender still clashes with the other colors and stands out. Also, the insect legs stick out a lot in this mode, and although they don't get in the way very much, they just look odd. Other than that, there are no significiant extras in this mode other than the wasp abdomen, but this doesn't get in the way much. Waspinator's mutant head (used on the TV show) and robot head can be accessed by flipping open the panels on his chest and back and rotating the two heads to wherever you want them to go.
    A nicely done transformer in robot mode, but the color scheme is kinda weird, and the beast mode looks sort of odd.

Waspinator Bio:
FUNCTION: Aerial Attack
Like a rattle snake's tail before an attack, a chilling sound buzzes in the distance as if to forecast approaching danger. Suddenly from the sky the giant wasp appears, revealing its monstrous face and bulging eyes as it streaks down for an aerial attack! The Waspinator launches its secret wing missiles, striking the helpless victims below with the poisonous power of a robotic cyber-sting!
Strength: 8.0
Speed: 8.0
Rank: 6.0
Firepower: 7.0
Intelligence: 5.0
Endurance: 5.0
Courage: 7.0
Skill: 6.0

Review by Beastbot

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